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I think for such a short time frame this was put together well! A few tweaks - the menu buttons don't seem to work except for restart and there's no exit game button. It also seems pretty difficult and there might be too many humans, but I could have just not been playing strategically enough. 


Thanks for the comment Nivarian, we worked hard on this game and we're glad you enjoyed it! We were trying to balance difficulty literally up to the last minute, we definitely will add a diff slider and some tips to make it more manageable. 

Hope you keep following our progress and let us know what you think. ;)


Thank you! I am kicking myself for not being able to get that working menu button into the final build. I was so close to finishing the menu button, but we were seconds away from the submissions ending that I couldn't get it into the build that went live. It is fixed in the new build along with some new story elements. The exit button is on the main menu, which was broken. Sorry about that! As for the difficulty, we'll tone it down in the next version. The current version is too hard but it is doable, if you're curious, you can finish it with all 4 aliens alive, although it will take some great tactics. 


I loved what you did in such a short amount of time! And totally understand those time constraint problems lol. 


Thank you so much for commenting and catching those bugs, Nivarian! We’re continuing to work on game balance (hoping to add different difficulties, as Magno said), and in the next build, the menu buttons should work xD I hope you’ll play the next version(s) of Nova Terra and let us know what you think then as well :)