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Wow, what a fantastic game! Such a lovely implementation of theme and object, it was weaved right into the gameplay. Of course, the aesthetics and art surrounding the gameplay were phenomenal. There was a lot of love put into not only making this a "game", but making it an experience and a story. Looking at the entrants here, you're a solo dev. Wow, wow, wow!

The one thing I would have wished for was more threats in the game. I'm honestly not sure whether those red critters are actually deadly or not. They may or may not have been attracted to my light, I couldn't tell ya. If they actually were enemies, I'd love to see them be more aggressive. If they weren't enemies, they should be x) But still, fantastic entry. My favorite so far!


Awesome, thank you! I agree regarding the enemies being kinda... meh haha

I blame running out of time. I considered having more aggressive enemies, but I didn't want to risk the game ending up too difficult due to poor balancing. Well, who knows, maybe someday I'll make a post-jam version. Having at least 10 levels would be enough I think.

Also, thanks for the compliment regarding the solo dev 🙂 it's a lot of work sometimes, but I find it very rewarding at the same time!