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A member registered Mar 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow, great entry! Can't believe this is your first game. The controls feel great, all around everything is very solid.

Loved this entry! Even though the art was rudimentary, you used lighting, pacing and very intentional light placements to make it look and feel fantastic. Great submission.

Wow, this is a really solid entry! Very nice gameplay. I'd personally tone down the steepness of the difficulty increase a bit, it gets very hectic very quickly. With some cleaned up visuals and animations this could be a great finished product, well done!

Such a lovely platformer. The puzzles are very thoughtful, I liked them a lot. The last level became a little frustrating toward the end, but it was managable. The animations and tiles were cute! 

Oh mein Gott wie süß!!! Ich hatte mir deine Games angeschaut und das hier ist mir ins Auge gesprungen wegen dem süßen Style. Dass es in die Richtung geht, hätte ich nicht erwartet :) Sehr sehr schön <333 <33 <33 Ist der Text von dir?

Thank you so much, you're really sweet to say all that! :) <3 And actually it's crazy you mention the soundtrack, our musician just uploaded the whole OST to his soundcloud if you'd like to check it out ^^

And yeah, the audio restart is quite annoying, we had that on our agenda in those last 30 minutes where everything was on fire and we were rushing to finish the build.... needless to say we did not end up setting it up in time xP

I believe the other worlds are all those planets you see in the background. So you're seeing a whole bunch of "other worlds" as you fly past them in space

Very cute concept, I like it. I wish the newly picked up birds would copy the current trajectory of the bird that picked them up, or rather they all shared it. What happens currently is you pick one up, you don't jump for a while because you're already going up, the new bird falls down because they have no upwards force. 

Also, just wanted to say kudos to you for speaking out against AI image generation on those other entries. As an artist I really appreciate that you care to say something! 

Bummer you used AI imagery. I'll be honest, it's a disingenuous and unprofessional look. I have tons more respect for someone just dabbling in art trying their best to create some art than for someone using image generation, I hope next time you try and do something on your own. It's much more fulfilling, too

Unfortunately the game was quite buggy for me. Other than that, you made cute art and the music is beautiful! Nice concept as well. The music cut off at weird times and sometimes I wasn't able to jump, as if there was an invisible platform right above my head. Other people have pointed out the problem with jump accuracy

Yeah, apologies. We know it's a very annoying bug, we'll look into it after the jam ends. Thanks for pointing it out either way!

God, this was difficult. Very solid title, nice movement and cute art, I liked it. 

Great gameplay loop. I just wish the upgrades were balanced a bit better - I was determined to reach the end and did end up winning the game, but toward the end it was very repetitive. Some more upgrade types, different balancing, possibly some nicer UI, and it could be a really solid title! :)

I really enjoyed the desk art. For a solo jammer it's a solid entry! I wish the game was a bit longer, and the slow typing text in the end note was kind of frustrating to sit through.

I like the subtlety of this game. You don't have "another world" pasted all over it, it's just the implication of the alien husband that hints toward it, which I really enjoy over some cheaper implementations of the theme in other entries.

It turned out a bit short unfortunately. The idea of the switching between interconnected worlds is nice, I just wish there was more content - I completed the entire game in a minute tops.

Incredible entry. You really have a knack for creating good atmosphere. Gorgeous visuals and style, really fantastic concept. Some entrants just stick the player into an odd looking world and give them a candle, but you stood out by giving them the ability to switch away from that into modernity.

Lovely work, one of my favorite entries by far.

Wow, what a fantastic game! Such a lovely implementation of theme and object, it was weaved right into the gameplay. Of course, the aesthetics and art surrounding the gameplay were phenomenal. There was a lot of love put into not only making this a "game", but making it an experience and a story. Looking at the entrants here, you're a solo dev. Wow, wow, wow!

The one thing I would have wished for was more threats in the game. I'm honestly not sure whether those red critters are actually deadly or not. They may or may not have been attracted to my light, I couldn't tell ya. If they actually were enemies, I'd love to see them be more aggressive. If they weren't enemies, they should be x) But still, fantastic entry. My favorite so far!

Solid entry! I liked the variety of enemies. I'd have preferred a shorter candle cooldown, and I think it would have been much smoother if the hitbox of the player didn't fit the entirety of their sprite (restrict it to a square at their feet and make the head able to overlap the walls), would have felt more intuitive to how many other titles handle it. What I felt was missing was some upgrades to the candle! Faster shots, spread shots, smaller cooldown, stronger flame, stuff like that. ^^

I quite enjoyed the lighting and color scheme of the game. You submitted 2 days early, I can see a lot of areas where you could have utilized those extra days to clean up the UI and controls a little. Overall it's a cute entry, gameplay could have used a bit more substance however.

Fantastic entry. It was recommended to me by one of our devs, great work! :D

A mobile release would be the perfect route for this game, great idea!!! I will definitely check it out then, the mechanics would transfer really well :D

Excited screeching counter: 6x 

Holy crap, I did not expect you to make a WHOLE VIDEO ???! WHAT!!! That is crazy, wow, thank you so much!!!! That is such a valuable insight into the player experience of our game, and you certainly discovered a crapton of bugs (some we were awre of, some not).

Gerolmed already elaborated on a lot of the mechanics stuff you pointed out but yeah, unfortunately we could not get all the features in that we wanted. For example the buff when you walk in your own paint sadly didn't get added in time (and afaik caused some performance issues, so let's see if we'll get that figured out).

Some more design oriented points Gerolmed hasn't mentioned: Definitely a lot of missing polish all around. You mentioned the outlines of the world are hard to see - I'll have to agree, a yellow outline instead of a white one would go a long way in that regard. Level layouts need a revamp aswell, so do the NPC dialogues and general level design. The directions weren't clear enough and the goal was confusing, so all stuff that needs to be reworked. Also the boss rooms were supposed to lock you in, I believe we all just collectively forgot about that. xD

But yeh, I'll have to agree with you on all the other points aswell. We'll definitely consider your feedback and pointers at the end, more feedback on enemy hit would have been desirable for sure, but the music and art department was preoccupied with dying unfortunately, so no effects on that end. Olof (our musician) and me definitely want to polish the game up some more though, so once we start finishing things up those will be added for sure.

Overall I want to thank you kindly for taking such an indepth look at our game, and giving such lovely feedback. About the game polish - while we did have a bit of a larger scope than the other Jammers, we also had a much bigger Team. I'm sure if the other games had five people working together on each project they would have left us in the dust haha, but we're lucky enough to be an established group with a common love for game dev :D Overall this Jam experience has been so so lovely, and I would have never expected such an outpoor of love and feedback from the community, and so many great people reaching out to us. Personally it was my first Jam experience, and I think it was a really amazing one. I'm so happy with the product, thank you again <<<333

Wow, amazing work! I'm really impressed at how so many devs here manage to create entries with such satisfying and smooth controls. This is a great game, IMO a perfect showcase of the challenge and limitation. Lovely work.

One of the rather adorable games from this Jam, good job! The controls are a bit wonky though, aiming is a bit unpredictble. But it's cute, I see it being a really neat casual game with some more polish! :D

Woow, I was looking forward to playing your game the most, and you went above and beyond my expectaions!!! This is a game I would genuinely love playing in my free time. I would love for this to be a full-fledged, polished game (not that it isn't already great). Really great job, I love it :D

Really creative concept, I like it! I don't know if it's purely the lagginess of my laptop or if this is an issue with the game, but more often than not logs flew further than I cut them and killed me. Makes it very difficult to play and progress unfortunately, but as I mentioned it is likely my hardware.

I own a screen tablet, which turns out to be perfect for this sort of game! First attempting it with my mouse was a bit of a pain though, so for people without access to a tablet I imagine it's far less intuitive.

All in all, wonderful game with a great concept, though an alternative to mouse gameplay would be nice

I have to join Thinker in a lot of their critiquess. UI needs improvement, and I almost missed the turn based combat entirely. That being said, the concept is great and I was pleasantly surprised finding out that this is the games' main mechanic. More clarity in the interface and gameplay would go a long way in making this a finished product. Also, the Paw Pointers above the enemies are adorable!!

Cute game! I wish it had some more polish, but considering you did it in the last 3h it's a neat entry nontheless. The dash feels satisfying, although unfortunately it bugs out at times and damages the player when dashing into a cat.

Thank you again! :DDD You're far too kind!

Of course, I would love to check it out! I'll take a look later this evening, I'm excited to see what you've submitted :D

Incredibly creative gameplay mechanics with a wide variety of different, clever levels. Very well done! the controls are sometimes quite buggy unfortunately, but the varied amount of content and imaginative abilities make up for that entirely IMO.

Ooo, thank you for the hint!! I'll take another look then, I'm excited to see it :D

Hey there, Artist here! Thank you so much for the lovely words, Gerolmed screenshotted your comment and sent it to me because it was so kind :D Tried my best to keep the art efficient but polished, towards the end I kind of was panicking with the boss animations though. Overall I'm really giddy you liked it that much, it was my first Game Jam experience and will surely not be my last! <3333

Wow! These controls are incredibly satisfying, like so smooth and nice to play. Unfortunately the game is lacking in content, but I couldn't blame you - it's evident a lot of that time went into making the most out of the controls. Great job, I am really excited to see how this develops!

Quite cute. I unfortunately wasn't able to find the secret ending :(

Really fun gameplay. I found myself cheering when I finally won a round, kinda finnicky but all the more satisfying :)

It seems I hid the secrets so well that not even our Lead Dev knows about them. xD You missed some bits here and there :) 

You're a gem!! Thank you for this :)