Thanks for playing and giving some detailed feedback! Don't worry, I can handle critics!
- That's because I used the default Input.GetButton("Horizontal") for movement, but I added a button called ("Door") so you could use either W or a button on a controller (yes, you can play the game with an Xbox controller). Didn't think about duplicating the input to detect the up arrow too. My bad.
- I planned to add another level 1 scene where the intro was wayyyy shorter, but I ran out of time before I could add it.
- With the tiny screen space I allocated for an entire level, I couldn't do a true maze. Didn't plan for it to be a lie from the narrator, but I guess it works XP
- I thought since you've got a "I don't care about the narrator" ending if you don't listen to him on the first few levels in a row, you'd actually need to listen to him if you didn't go for that ending. My friend proposed to add the ability to go through the unskippable dialogue faster on a key hold, but of course, it was too late.
- Wait... no sword attack animation? There is one. I saw someone stream my game on Twitch today and the sword was swinging.
- Yeah, about that. I basically did all of the dialogue lines on the fly. Most of it makes total sense, but some may not (like that one)
Anyway, thanks for the detailed critics! Taking some notes here to not forget stuff next time!