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Mike Da Bird

A member registered Aug 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Heya Dariuspraise! Glad you like the Ori'Vali! You are fully free to customize the avatar in any way you want! Only thing you cannot do is claim the base itself as your own, or distribute the packages somewhere else than here. Go crazy with it! ^^

Also sorry if it took this long to reply, my life got very busy recently XvX (some good things, and some less good things)

Heya! Thanks for playing! ^^ That block can be pretty tricky to get, not gonna lie XvX Uses a mechanic I need to make more clear, better integrated and more reliable. Uses a "bug" I morphed into a feature.

My main thing I used to manage the scope of the project was planning on day 1, and tracking ideas being implemented while scrapping others that would be too hard to achieve with the tight deadline. For the last week, I planned which feature I would work on each day, critical points were top priority. If I finished a thing quicker, I could move on to the next thing or do something for fun (like the player character, which I want to release by itself as a free VRChat avatar base lol). If longer than expected, I would just be like "As long as it works it's fine with me." The fact I had to learn more about Unreal Engine live made time much tighter.

If you're curious about my development process, I still have all of my streams up on Twitch. I streamed the entire process, not a single time I did work off stream (or at least nothing critical for the game). Look up my name from here on Twitch for that ^^

Heya! Thanks for playing! ^^ Def would have made some kind of checkpoint system if I had more time on my hands. That level can definitely be confusing even with my attempts to give hints without giving away the solution XvX

Really happy that you liked my entry! Yours was great as well! ^^

Heya! Thanks for playing! ^^ The movement funkiness is definitely something that is holding the game back a little. Unreal 5 being Unreal, the default character controller refuses to allow me to dynamically change the gravity vector. So had to blueprint my own movement, which unfortunately I had to rely on purely physics.... which is really jank, ngl. X_X Once I learn a bit of Unreal C++ (it's on my bucketlist) I'll def be rewriting the movement code ^^

The restart a level on death is also a feedback I got a lot, which I wanted some kind of checkpoint system (especially for that last level's punishing length) but ran out of time to implement it. Def on the list of things to add for a future full release.

The anomaly launch jank really is just a little funny I figured could be fun to keep in. Def something I feel I'd like to refine to make launches more consistent, or make a dedicated anomaly for that.

By box clipping issues I assume through the player? This issue is another thing that was troublesome to fix due to the physics based movement limitation, and rendering quirks with Unreal. Once I rewrite the movement, I'll take a look at improving those visuals. Arm clipping really is only due to how I made the character controller, tried my best to limit that kind of clipping, and was out of time to properly implement a better first person controller.

Nontheless, I'm really happy you had fun with my entry! ^^ I'm still very proud of it even if it didn't make it top 10 or community choice, and hopefully I can push the idea further!

I think I remember trying to make a Mac build on submission day, but it was failing for some reason. I'll revisit MacOS support once the jam voting period ends (and especially if I continue the game post-jam ^^)

(1 edit)

For a single person game, I am very impressed! The music is really fitting, the visuals are stunning, sounds are great, concept is awesome, I would see this game as a full game with more unique mechanics ^^ Imagine being able to have horizontal splits too that could interact with the vertical ones, and circuit logic like gates to fit the computer theme (NOT, OR, AND, NOR, etc) I can see this game going places! Great job!

Only sliiiiiight critique, I initially thought the sparkling chip after completing the tutorial was the next level I was going to, not one that I already completed. But that's just me nitpicking trying to find critiques at 2AM XvX

If you want to try another fellow puzzle game, give mine a shot! It's made with UE5 and has Lumen enabled, so not everyone can run it at its full potential but lowering the Quality setting helps hitting the target 60fps. I'm sure you'll have fun with mine! ^^

It would have still been on Twitch VODs if it wasn't for a VERY unfortunate thing that happened right after the stream "ended". I'll try to post it on YouTube at some point, but got a massive backlog to archive first, so it might not happen anytime soon. Sorry ;-;

It would have still been on Twitch VODs if it wasn't for a VERY unfortunate thing that happened right after the stream "ended". I'll try to post it on YouTube at some point, but got a massive backlog to archive first, so it might not happen anytime soon. Sorry ;-;

Thank you all for posting your games for the stream! ^^ The ones I've played so far were great!

Unfortunately I've been able to only get through around 15 out of the 75 posted. A combination of work exhaustion, con exhaustion, stress and also a case of Hives got from the con (making my hands agonizingly itchy) made me fall flat in the bed. I will still try to play all of your games off stream, but I cannot promise anything.

Hopefully I see y'all at another jam!

Your turn! You'll probably be the last one I do on stream tonight as I am unexpectedly exhausted, and currently got hives with uber annoying itchy hands X_X

Played yours, was fun!

(Btw I found the concept flippin GENIUS, and only a month of dev experience, wow O_O')

Your turn on stream! ^^

Your turn! ^^

Your turn! ^^

Will be your turn in a second! ^^

Your turn now! ^^

Your game's turn ^^
(even tho it's technically gore, this one is more cartoonish and is just a flesh creature, unlike the other one I had to skip unfortunately)

Your turn! ^^

You're next! ^^

Your game's turn on stream! ^^

I've had a friend check the game before I played it, and I don't think I am able to play it on stream ;-; (topics involved and the gore) I might be checking it off stream tho, but I am not a fan of gore, so if I don't play it in the end I'm sorry O_O'

Your game's turn now! ^^

Your game's turn ^^

It's bout to be your game's turn! :D

About to start the stream, I'll be playing your game first since you're the first one on here!

Wow, that's..... That's a lot of entries XvX

Heads up everyone! In about 18 hours from when I post this reply, I'll be starting the stream! Because of the sheer amount of entries posted, I will probably not be able to get to everyone live (as mentioned I will play them in the order they were posted). But I will try my best to get through as many as possible! I will reply to your post here when it's your turn next and another time when your game is about to be shown, so you have a heads up if you want to see me play your game live ^^ I will rate everyone's entry post-stream, so likely during the weekend. And I'll play any game that couldn't make it live afterwards and also rate them. Nobody will be missing out on a rating!

See y'all soon!

Yeh by last level I meant Final. Main_6 I did notice the gif and solved it XvX
It does spoil the level as it is pretty much the entirety of it, so it might be a good idea to avoid showing an entire later level solved on the game page for future projects. Maybe make it a short montage of snippets of some of the levels, would avoid spoiling an entire puzzle ^^
(and I still have no clue how Final is intended to be solved, and don't have time to try it again atm)

Just tried it, congrats on finishing and submitting your entry in time! Style wise this reminded me heavily of Patrick's Parabox, which I don't see in your list of inspirations XvX

I love how you're using the game bugs as features, really fits the theme! Those dev notes must have been on purpose too XD

I am utterly stuck on the last level however. I cannot figure out how to get through without a 1 block, unless there's a mechanic I didn't understand entirely or wasn't fully explained. It's the only level that isn't as intuitive to solve. The rest felt like a slow but nice progressive example of how to use the mechanics to solve each puzzle.

Overall great entry! Since it's a puzzle game, feel free to check out mine, also a puzzle game but in a 3D space and planning to expand on it in the future ^^

(1 edit)

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game I consider in prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. Seeing a previous post I hope you can run it fine, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrr XvX

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game I consider in prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrr XvX

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game I consider in prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrr XvX

I see you posted in my post as well. Might not be able to play it live due to time constraint and the sheer amount of entries in there, but if not live then 100% off stream I'll give it a shot! ^^

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game I consider in prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrr XvX 

You did post in my post as well, so I'll get to yours on Friday 100% as it's one of the first replies there ^^

(1 edit)

Gave it a shot, congrats on completing your entry! I initially got confused at first because I couldn't get any wood, only water and killing wolves to loot (automatically as it's throwing stuff automatically). But then realized the whole metaphor behind the wolves being THE tasks for the "game" the player is making. That was an unexpected plot twist. Read from a past comment that the whole money first thing is intentional, but it took me a bit to figure it out. Maybe it could be made more clear since it's the intention to require the player have to buy stuff instead of looting it.

I managed to buy an axe, cut down the single tree, then was attacked by day 2 bears with zero sleep and died. Did not manage to build a single foundation or a shelter.

Very relatable feeling as a dev... 5 bugs to fix, 1 down, 23 bugs to fix XvX

Congrats again! Well done.

(EDIT: I forgot to mention, the UI was broken on my 32:9 monitor, had to switch it back to 16:9 for the UI to display properly. Maybe something to check when testing UIs with different aspect ratios)

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game I consider in prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam! First Unreal Engine 5 game

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. UE 5 Lumen go brrrrrrr XvX

Here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game in a prototype stage that I want to continue most likely post-jam! Also my first Unreal Engine 5 game -v-

If you can't run it at 1080p 60fps on High Quality 50% res scale (2070 or above required for this) try to run in at Medium or Low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrrrr XvX

I see you posted your game in my post as well. You might have played mine already, who knows! Might not get to yours live, but will def try all of them after stream ^^

Meep! We had the same idea XvX
If you do another stream, here's my entry ^^ It's a puzzle game in a prototype stage that I want to continue most likely post-jam! Also my first Unreal Engine 5 game -v-
If you can't run it at 1080p 60fps on High Quality 50% res scale (2070 or above required for this) try to run in at Medium or Low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrrrr XvX

Got 12 reviews on mine atm, not as low as many other games but def not high. Here it is if you want some fun puzzle madness ^^  It's in a prototype stage which I plan to potentially continue post-jam.

If you are unable to run it at 1080p 60fps stable on High 50% res scale (RTX 2070 or similar/higher recommended for that), simply tune down the settings to Medium or low. Unreal Engine 5 Lumen go brrr XvX