The idea is really clever but a few things add up to make it feel a bit frustrating and finnicky:
- no indication of where things will go
- some platforms move much faster than the player
- lots of platforms moving out from under you
The result is that the first time through any door is a guessing game for what direction (if any) you should be moving in; it feels like the only way to progress is memorising the patterns (maybe this was the intended experience?); and the early sections get boring/annoying as you have to replay them every time you fail to guess where you need to go at a new door.
You might want to consider either;
- more forgiving transitions, put all doors on static or slower moving platforms
- telegraph where things will move to so players can plan ahead
- or, add a limited checkpoint or rewind mechanic to avoid early sections getting boring while you learn the later ones. You could maybe even have 2 stages to a level, the first where you can check what doors do to plan a route then the second where you play through and execute it.