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Definitely the most unique game idea I've seen in a long time, great job Kokutouchichi! Pushing the envelope and literally licking the stamp on it!

The concept is indeed brilliant, there's no doubt there - however some of the implementation did let it down a little - but I reckon with more time these are things that can be sorted out. I'll go through the things here as constructive feedback, but overall these didn't take much away from the great concept and unique idea of the game. I do wonder what you were actually doing at the time when you thought of this idea - lol

First of all, I'm left handed (sorry, I was born that way....) and unfortunately the main tongue movement was set for the right hand and I found it a little difficult to navigate, which I feel set me back a bit from the outset. It would've been nice to be able to either move the control cube somehow, or have an option to flip the controls around.

The first level was a little confusing as to how I was supposed to deal with the candy hearts. I ended up just stabbing them randomly with my fork trying to break them up, and I wasn't sure if the teeth were involved or not, so it took quite a long time to complete that one - but I was determined to see the rest of it, so stuck with it anyway...

The tongue physics, although looked natural was hard to navigate for gameplay - not sure if this was my handedness, or the controls, but I found it a little too hard to aim for the targets without feeling it was too random and I got them more with luck than skill. Like I say, I think more time on tightening that up would probably work a treat.

The sounds were funny as hell and the whole thing made me properly chuckle, so it was very entertaining and unique overall. Some bits felt a little unfinished, but clearly that'll be down to the time constraints, but it was a great idea, really enjoyed it - fantastic work!

Ahh you left handed people! That would have been the easiest fix if my left handed wife would have taken 5 minutes to play my game...Alas, getting her to play a VR game over doom scrolling Instagram is a challenge on its own. The targets require several collisions before they disappear. I had them at just one and you can quickly flop your tongue around hit them in a matter of seconds which wasn't very satisfying. Perhaps having the targets change colors from green to red or something like that would let you visually know that you are indeed hitting the colliders. (Highlights the importance of playtesting!)