I’m more than happy to take more stuff out and export more versions if that last one doesn’t work, so you’re welcome to poke me about it :3 It’s honestly not a bother at all! It does suck though that it’s struggled so much with this one >.<
Hehe, yeah, there’s just something really nice about rhyming words :D I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger cos it helped me vent feelings and stuff x3
Yeah, I mean, there’s a lot of stuff in life I wish I could get out there and do, but the world outside home is often so hostile that it’s easier to stay inside most of the time where it’s actually safe >.< Plus I feel like the second I step outside the door, I put on a mask and start acting, so my energy begins immediately draining :( Whereas at home, it’s pretty much the only place where I feel like I can be myself.
It makes me sad that you don’t even have that level of comfort at home though :( cos living with people that you don’t get along with is really tough. I’ve been stuck in situations like that in the past and I can only describe it as hell >.<
I don’t know why people in charge across the world make it so hard for people with all kinds of different disabilities to exist :( Most people aren’t asking for handouts so they can laze around. They just want to access some support so they can live as independently as possible, but the government just doesn’t seem to see that >.< They just seem to think all disabled people are a burden that needs eliminating or something o.O
Yeeeeah, there have been accusations of the DWP here purposefully harming disabled people for many years, sadly :( There have even been a significant number of suicides in relation to people dealing with them, but they always try to cover things up and keep it buried so that the general public doesn’t find out about that sort of thing. There are always small groups fighting them, but they don’t tend to get anywhere with change cos the DWP is part of the government, so it’s like it’s impossible to fight them.
That’s a funny coincidence cos I just had my 32nd birthday this month, haha.
To be fair on the job front, I only got the couple of jobs I’ve ever had because the employers were desperate x3 The one I had in retail was just a part-time Christmas one that only lasted 1 month cos they needed to boost their staff numbers to handle the Christmas madness. And when I was a scare actor for a month, they would’ve hired pretty much anyone who turned up cos they never have enough people.
But I am extremely lucky to have my dad and tbh, I live in constant fear of losing him >.< pretty much because he’s my main reason for living. Losing my gran was bad enough. I don’t think I will be able to survive without my dad. Or more accurately I guess, life just wouldn’t be worth living without him.
Two of my closest friends have also lost parents that they were really close to themselves, and like you, I honestly have no idea how any of you have found the strength to keep going. To me, you all seem like super strong people.
I’m trying my best to block out most of reality by focusing singlemindedly on game jam stuff x3 Trying to get volume 02 of Yandere Heaven finished in time for the end of Yandere Jam. Thankfully, the person from an advocacy charity that was assigned to help me has been extremely helpful and just generally lovely to communicate with. Unlike the evil government departments, she actually understands me and has treated me with dignity and respect. Without her help and expertise on this benefit-related stuff, I would’ve probably just become completely hopeless cos it was all way too much to deal with by myself >.< She helped to write the necessary letter to send to the gov and even posted it off for me.
Now it’s just a matter of another loooong wait cos the gov isn’t obliged to actually respond within a specific time >.< I know some people have battled for 2-3 years to get it all sorted. The person who has been helping me with it said that I should just try my best to forget about it for now, so yeah, working on the jam is my way of doing that x3 It just means everything else in my life gets neglected in the process, which isn’t great >.< but it’s pretty much the only way I can function.
Thank you for your support and kind words :3 I don’t know what sort of music you like, but a song I listen to a lot when I’m feeling down about being different and not fitting in and stuff is this, and it helps just a teeny tiny bit x3
I really hope that things get better for you as well! You deserve to live a happy life :3 Maybe someday we will both be lucky enough to be truly happy x3