Web Version gives me the following Error:
The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing:
Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
O/K/L feels a bit weird, J/K/L would be better I think. Main Menu isn't control-able with Keyboard only, same with Quest Selection etc., music is nice.
The Questmap is pregenerated before selection a Quest, and you can see parts of it through the Quest selection, feels odd.
You start on a Tile but can move back up to it resulting in a kings-army fight? I thought I took a Quest to defend a Coastal Village, now I'm running from an Army like FTL? Somethings off there.
Lost all my Units, got a Victory Screen, couldn't start another Mission, as I couldn't select any Units to fight.
The new Dialogues to recruit Units and on Mission starts are great.
I immediately lost all but 2 Archers on my first Mission, but survived a surprising Amount of Rounds with only those.
New Recruits die immediately tho, if you don't have a decent sized Army to protect them, at which Point you don't really need them.
Overall pretty enjoyable, but needs some Work.