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Gave it a go for the first time in like 2 years I think. It's really come a long way. 

I found it very intuitive, and just had to double-check controls to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Got a couple minor points so I'll just ramble here:

  • I feel like having a small indicator of your available weapons would be really good. I wasn't sure which weapons I had and when I picked up a new one, what number they were assigned to.
  • Enemies were pretty easy to deal with. Circle-strafing everyone seemed to get the job done. Do they consistently miss if you do that? It seems like it. Maybe a bit of target tracking, especially for projectile weapons, could go a long way.
  • The weapons felt great. Recoil was pretty easy to control on the machine gun. Short, controlled bursts went out the window because pulling straight down seemed to get the job done. The plasma gun worked really well on the robotic enemies. 
  • I had a huge abundance of ammo, and plenty of backup spots for medkits. 
  • This definitely felt familiar, and the first level is kino. I know the second level still needs some work, but I tried out the water and went back to land. Hope you'll be able to incorporate it more soon!

Great job as always. Keen to see more. Cheers!


I feel like having a small indicator of your available weapons would be really good. I wasn’t sure which weapons I had and when I picked up a new one, what number they were assigned to.

You’re not the first to ask for that, I’m considering something like a small version of the row along the bottom you get in UT2004.

Enemies were pretty easy to deal with. Circle-strafing everyone seemed to get the job done. Do they consistently miss if you do that? It seems like it. Maybe a bit of target tracking, especially for projectile weapons, could go a long way.

They do track, but their speed is limited when doing so. I intend for close-range circle-strafing to be the main strat, the MC using her advantage in agility over the bad guys who rely too much on gadgets.

I had a huge abundance of ammo, and plenty of backup spots for medkits.

It’s always in flux as I tweak the levels, this will be part of the difficulty options when I add them.

Thanks for coming back to it!