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Pressing f1 doesn't seem to toggle the camera for me, so I can't take pictures.  I like the proof of concept though.  Some more work and this could turn into a fun game.

oh, do you have a different kind of keyboard? maybe i can add another shortcut that does it so you can try too

I'm not sure.  It's a keyboard that I have to hold Fn to access the F1-F12 keys (otherwise they do like volume and stuff) but even doing that doesn't seem to work.  Using F1-F12 for game controls is a little bit unusual anyway; usually they're reserved for application commands (e.g. F1 for help, F11 for fullscreen), so I think other people might appreciate it having another key binding as well.     

did the updated files work with tab and z?


Yup, works perfectly, thank you!