I don't know if drone has autosave, but my guess is that it is a problem with delivery queue system on reload. There is also still a bug with box visually dissapearing on reload if drone didn't pick it up yet that I think came from previous versions, this could also be connected
I don't think there is a setting for terrain resolution, I think it selects it automatically based on hardware, because I seen other people get this issue and they all had an old graphics card
I got in the exact same place where you were and still couldn't replicate the issue (I tested it on RTX 4070Ti):
I don't think realtime navigation for kerfur or any other entities will be ever a feature, because updating the entire navmesh if any object moved is extremely slow, and the game has extremely large map that will probably take about 10 minutes to calculate navmesh for. Alternative to updating the entire navmesh will be pathfinding, but that will require recalculation every 5 to 10 seconds or so to actually make it avoid moving into objects that moved into its way, this will get very inefficient on many entities.
I checked if you can put more papers on a drive box, and yes, this is most likely a bug from 0.7.0. I also noticed that if you put an empty paper on a box and take it back there will be a text "hi :)" in the paper, which is used when the text couldn't load