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A member registered Sep 03, 2020

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As for the point miner, You need to craft metal scrap at a workbench out of metal trash, Then use it on the frame to add a GPU slot.  

Bucket bugs have already been reported

Oh I think you're right on it with that one as when you zoom it loads higher res & Clicks back to normal.

I feel Kerfer has something along the lines of:  Go to x,y,z -If pathing & Velocity is <below certain threshold = Jump.  However if you are correct then it would be an extremely viable solution to create a system like you mention, Also fairly easy when you're speaking on a basic level of just moving Kerfer around an object & not completely re-pathing them 

Although, A great addition to a Navmesh (Like what I suspect MrDrNose would be using for his entity's navigation) -Would be one of a few different avoidance methods, I found this awesome official UE4 Doc which details such systems & Their implementations & Purposes. It's a lot but I feel it would be very possible to implement & Incorporate something like this to the existing systems (If they are what I assume)

Also, I haven't been able to test it out but the nails I used were specifically the axle nails which will most likely make a big difference. I even had one of the green garbage bins just clipping through a wall in a circle. But the Kerfer plug incident was extreme in comparison & A lot harder to recreate. The floating nail should move in conjunction to the plug  *^-^*


What is your FOV set to? mine was near max. I found that if I put FOV back to default this problem goes away. The more I increase FOV the more it distorts, Also it's affect goes away when you zoom.  I would say yeah this problem may only occur on older graphics cards, I'm currently using an ancient NVIDIA Quadro K2200.

But on the other hand if that were to be the case, why does this only occur in select areas? It's not only a matter of viewing angle or terrain angle as you can see here in this picture with even more angle but barely any visual issue ;o

Surely implementing object evasion into a Kerfer on a very basic level could be viable especially if only done for Kerfer entities & no other. You don't need a system that is constantly ticking & updating, You could use something like a raycast or cone trigger infront of Kerfer which if it hits certain whitelisted physics props (Primarily bigger objects) it then enables the evasive pathing mode, Sets timer for say 1.5 seconds, The timer disables pathing & return Kerfer to initial task. -Kerfer has single handed been the most destructive entity for me so far they have no respect or boundaries. T^T

Yeah I noticed that cute little placeholder, funny.  *^-^*


<<<<<<<Section below contains spoilers>>>>>>>












-Also this shouldn't ever be an issue for any normal human, But I found that by nailing Kerfer's plug to the ground prongs facing up then retracting it, Then trying to pick up the plug for some reason the plug teleported up through the roof turning Kerfer into the world's first robotic piñata, & to make it even more amusing is as I took the screenshot I was simultaneously traumatized by my first sleep demon #0.0# (initial frames of him appearing just to the left of Kerfer) -Ignore my test subject to the right.

(1 edit)

I'd say maybe the elevator delivers damage according to collision speed as to deliver a small amount of damage to player underneath elevator.  which if true I find fitting to also add a coconut impact sound effect *^-^*

 Oh okay I don't recall #4 being an issue for me previously but to be fair I've rarely used the database so I'm probably forgetting.

-Do you know if the drone has a built in autosave system? like one which would temporary save the drone's contents in case of game crash or force close. (this function would work separately to regular game autosave, It would cache the drone contents on request) That same system unless directed to do otherwise might also function the same upon death/menu boot

Oh #7 is a rendering issue? & so do you mean if I change my settings for terrain to high it will fix that issue? or it's unrelated to the in game setting. I haven't tried. Is this only for the latest build or prior? 

Also do you know if there is plans in the future to make Kerfer avoid objects  realtime & not only the navmesh for map? I had to move a shelf away from the locker I store Kerfer in because they would continuously throw my belonging around because they are a silly clumsy goober smashing into my damn objects lol *^-^*


You can place an infinite amount of pages onto a drive box & it will just delete any pages added after the first.

Deleted original reply & reposted as I found corrections for some of the contents. <3

1-Hello again just found an issue on this latest build, the option for "Player Physics Damage" in the experimental settings no longer disables receiving physics damage from objects (At least for the vending machines) however it does still work for fall damage. 

2-Just had a visual inventory bug involving the equipable backpack, I reloaded the game after dying & ordered some drives, the crate was delivered & I retrieved the drives to my inventory, walked into the control room & went to place the drives & couldn't see them in my inventory. I thought they might be in my backpack so I pressed the equipment tab in the inventory & was greeted with 2 grey circle icons (1 in the top left slot & 1 in bottom left slot) No backpack icon, I clicked the bottom left icon & the GUI flashed. Now the backpack icon was there in the top left slot, I closed out of the equipment tab back to the inventory & the drives were now visible.

3-Not sure if it's intentional but when closing the inventory with tab button, after either dropping, placing,  holding or storing an item in inventory it takes 2 presses of the tab button. but if using a container or not doing any of the previously mentioned actions while inventory closed it only takes 1 press of the tab button. Escape button doesn't share this same issue.

4-When using database on the computer, I click on a saved signal to view it, no problem there. However when I try pressing escape to exit the computer it doesn't work until I select another tab then it will allow me to exit the computer once more.

5-Not sure if this is necessarily a bug but earlier had sent a box of drives to be sold, they had not yet reached their destination when I met my untimely end at the hands of a vending machine (Statistically more dangerous than you might expect) upon reloading the game I found the box of drives was no longer in it's place but I was not given any points for the delivery. I thought maybe my save was further back than I originally thought so I dismissed this as me miss-remembering the time of my save & continued valuable research. the day passes & the time reaches 00:00 on the clock, The new daily report comes in. I notice the drone arriving so I meet it to collect what I was expecting to be a drive & an MRE delivered inside of a crate, but I was not greeted with the drone dropping a crate, instead it dropped a drive box containing the same drives that I sent to be delivered earlier before my untimely demise. -Not sure if this might be a factor at all but I have autosaves turned to 0 (I presume 0 to mean that the game will never autosave)

6-This isn't technically a bug but when the power goes out for the base, the point miner continues to operate despite there being no power. I mean I don't mind still getting free points while I'm out repairing transformers but I feel this might have just been overlooked which would be easy enough to do considering the complexity of the game *^-^*

7-I can't recall if this was already something that occurred in previous builds, I thought at first it was just something to do with the ATV but upon further inspection it seems that the terrain's collision map differs to it's texture 

Sorry for the spam MrDrNose T^T I hope that at least some information provided will be of use to you & not a mere headache <3

Many thanks! <3