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Elenyè the Virgin was the most cracked spellcaster I've ever personally witnessed in a game - RIP champion. Hjoly cow this game is hard!!! Maybe I just had some really bad rolls, not sure, but in a sea of Roguelite this felt like a roguelike.

Another banger track on this one! Felt like I was playing Pokémon Red Dungeon Crawler at points and that was hype af.

I was really sad that my graveyard didn't work because I wanted a screenshot of my legendary dude but alas! 

The name generation concatenating the "the" part of the name on the enemies turned out to be pretty hilarious taken at face value so I think it's a feature not a bug ;)

Can't wait to see what's next!


Thanks (again) so much for playing!

The jam was pretty serious about procedural generation so I randomly generated pretty much everything for every run (including enemy stats)! Some playthroughs are insanely hard and some are way too easy! Huge balance issue in my opinion!

The graveyard is was such a bummer! I spent forever ironing bugs out on it before I realized the implementation wouldn’t work on the Web version of the game! I’ll have to (hopefully) come back to it later to fix! I am not entirely sure the graveyard works in the download anymore…

Again thanks for playing my buggy jam mess :)