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A member registered Jan 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks (again) so much for playing!

The jam was pretty serious about procedural generation so I randomly generated pretty much everything for every run (including enemy stats)! Some playthroughs are insanely hard and some are way too easy! Huge balance issue in my opinion!

The graveyard is was such a bummer! I spent forever ironing bugs out on it before I realized the implementation wouldn’t work on the Web version of the game! I’ll have to (hopefully) come back to it later to fix! I am not entirely sure the graveyard works in the download anymore…

Again thanks for playing my buggy jam mess :)

Thanks for playing!

Yeah there are a few gremlins I need to squash with the cat’s bars (I think something is going wrong in the instancing of the node but not 100% sure yet!) and great note on the floating point!! Thanks again!

Thanks so much for playing my very first game!

I was pretty dang happy with the little track I was able to make with my OP1 and honestly that lil guy has been my best companion in game dev music composition! It’s the quickest way for me to turn around a quick song that will work for a jam.

Thanks for playing!!

Another adorable banger!

I ended up going mystical on my first go round and then Alacrity on the 2nd! The progression felt fun the art was cute and it was a wonderful idle game to play while multitasking after work!

I personally liked the Mysticism route most!

No worries on the bug, it may have been user error!

To help with debugging (if you feel compelled) when I save the game, close out, and re-open later I would see the “continue your journey” button but when I clicked I would be stuck! I was able to get back into the game by using the reset data button though!

Regardless it was an enjoyable play!

What a wonderfully cute and fun game! I had a great time munchin’ leaves as Milkshake and really enjoyed the snowballing progress and meta-game of leveling between runs.

I ran into an issue where I was unable to open saved games but that was the only bug I encountered!

The art is cute, there was a good amount of juice to the game (special leaves interactions, accomplices, etc.) and I enjoyed my time with it! I ended up playing through the first few rounds a couple of times and resetting entirely (because of the save bug) and made it all the way to the end game!

A ton of cute content to this game! I enjoyed my time with it and I’m excited to try your next game!

Thanks for playing! I did run into that bug once or twice while testing but thought I squashed it! I’ll have to take another look :)

Thanks again for playing!

Great entry! I really enjoyed the dialogue and the cute little hub town, I thought the upgrade system was wonderful and the combat was engaging! Great work!!

I am quite bad at this game :) BUT I enjoyed the time I spent with it! Krampus is punishing! Every time I started making headway on a puzzle he barged in (but I believe that’s the point)

The pixel art is beautiful, I’m impressed with what you managed to get put together for the jam!

Only issue I had was seemingly sometimes the interactable objects wouldn’t interact for me (playing web build)

Great entry and happy holidays!

Wonderful entry! I had a great time playing and sunk more than 30 min in to get a properly optimized ship! I liked the factorio type energy and had fun trying to make the best little system to gain money and fuel! The controls felt a little clunky at times but overall the game was wonderfully entertaining!

Great entry!!

What a wonderfully fun micro-metroidvania! You managed to make the power curve interesting with just a jump, dash, and bark! I really enjoyed the level design and I believe I found all the powerups!

The fight with the green knight was difficult and fun! I had fun playing as a little corgi and saving the day!

What an awesome game! Happy Holidays!

What a wonderfully fun micro-metroidvania! You managed to make the power curve interesting with just a jump, dash, and bark! I really enjoyed the level design and I believe I found all the powerups!

The fight with the green knight was difficult and fun! I had fun playing as a little corgi and saving the day!

What an awesome game! Happy Holidays!

Just like real life! Those dang cats always fall asleep on my keyboard but they’re too cute to move! Thanks for playing!!

Thanks! And yeah the laptop is supposed to be a risk vs. reward option! It’s very OP in the early stages but can make your grades slip! Thanks for playing :D

I’m not sure what the top score is but I think I got ~1:40? Do you have the top score tracked on an instance by instance basis of the game running or is there a centralized high score?

Thanks for playing!!

I originally had a click to pet the cat but updated to use a button as that was easily spammed. However, you’re totally right a double click may be nicer! Thanks for the kind words and happy holidays!

Thanks for playing! And definitely ended up being a bit more stressful than the cutesy aesthetic may suggest :) I had a heck of a time trying to balance the game as it was either way too easy and the player would end up with hundreds of thousands of dollars or it was impossible to win! XD I ended up just simplifying the pay logic and it made it challenging but doable!

Happy holidays!

Thanks for playing! I hoped you’d enjoy the cat theme :) Also there’s a random chance some of the cats have familiar names for you :) Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Holy cow the art in this game is great! The little intro cinematic is wonderful! And the boss is punishingly difficult! He has a pretty impressive move set for a game jam game and I enjoyed playing!

I did have a tough time getting him much past 1/2 health but I’m probably just bad :D

Happy Holidays!!

Thanks so much for the kind words! I tried my best to make the art cohesive! I’m still learning how to do pixel art :)

Thanks again for giving it a play and happy holidays!!

Great work! I loved the lil-neck beard cat and it was fun / chill reorganizing his room! I love the cover art and the funny little storyline! AND the Christmas miracle after I finally found the last item I’d been searching for was quite nice to watch.

Great entry, great job, and looking forward to see what you’ll put out next :)

This was a fun, but very difficult game! I enjoyed my time with it and hope someone more skilled than I is able to make the android remember why they loved the spiky mowhawk guy.

Great entry!

Wonderfully stylish game (I love your pixel art) interesting concept with the resource management-y, rhythm type game and neat idea moving between the different lanes! I had been seeing posts of your progress throughout the jam in the discord and it was cool to see it all come together in this final project!! I loved the music and your tutorial really helped me figure out what to do in an admittedly pretty complicated game!

Wonderful job, wonderful submission, and happy holidays!

This is a great entry! It perfectly encapsulates the chaotic energy I feel from my dog at the dog park. Dogged so hard. Woof Woof.

What a great entry for someone who’s into don’t starve! I had an issue where the little Krampus guy didn’t attack me so it was easy for me to get all 10 gifts! Regardless it was a fun play and I think you did an absolutely beautiful job of designing your itch.it page! Happy holidays!

This is a great entry! It perfectly encapsulates the chaotic energy I feel from my dog at the dog park. Dogged so hard. Woof Woof.

Thanks a bunch for playing!! We put a lot of love into this for the Jam and it's wonderful to see people giving it a shot months later!

Hey, thanks so much for playing and the kind words!

Sure that sounds awesome! Feel free to contact us at hellocanvasgames@gmail.com


Thanks for playing!!

Thanks a bunch for giving it a play!

Understandable! Jams are definitely a time crunch :) 
The research buildings definitely did their job of looking cool!

Looking forward to what you make next!!

Wonderful take on the game mechanics, the theme, and the game was fun! Great job!

Wonderful resource management game! I had a good time playing it! Wasn't sure what to do with my researchers but I was impressed what you were able to get together in 36hrs!

Great submission!

Hey, Thanks so much for giving it a play!

I agree the character controller is stiff and the hitbox and brush aren't really synced up (Definitely need a longer brush)

Thanks for the great feedback!!

Thanks for giving it a play! Totally agree the gameplay is basic, I'm hoping to punch it up a bit and start learning the changes in godot 4 by reworking the game and hopefully making combat more interesting!

Thanks again!

Those last minute changes always shake things up! Excited to see what this becomes :)

Great work on your entry, I was impressed with the models, the scale, and the scope of the project!

I had a bit of a hard time picking it up (I was playing mouse and keyboard) but after a few deaths I started to get the hang of it! I think the idea is great and if you continue working on it a bit more could be put into making transitioning between rings and levels as that felt a little hitchy to me. I also found a pretty good strat to be to turn on my shield and kick constantly...that let me dispatch the boss pretty quick.

Overall great work, impressed with you tackling the jam with a 3d project, and I had a fun time with it!

Thanks for the in depth feedback, I really appreciate it and it's invaluable for me to refine the game!

I was fiddling around with removing the hearts all together but I had painted myself into a corner (pun intended) with the gameplay. I think if I keep the HP system I should just remove the sprite for the heart or create a transparent one to ensure people can actually see their health. I agree the combat doesn't really jive with the vibe of the game and I'm hoping to get time to revisit this game and put a bit of narrative and refine the combat to be more focused on painting and less focused on bullet hell combat...I've got to muse a bit on how to make that interesting!

Finally totally agree, I had issues getting the character controller to feel right I'm hoping to resolve these issues (mainly I think the hitbox pivot is not as responsive as I'd like) 

Again thanks for such detailed feedback and for giving it a play!

Definitely agree all the edges in this game are rough and this is my first Jam submission that I feel like coming back to! I didn't have the time to fully realize the core idea or even to refine the character controller to feel tight.

Thanks for the awesome feedback & for giving it a play and I look forward to (time permitting) creating a more refined version of the game!