I am curious how the coin messed up because I've played the Krimb levels and they seemed fine.
Are you sure you didn't reach the limit of lives? I think I should've clarified that in a text, even if tutorials already feel bloated to some people.
In this update, I thought of increasing the count of lifes and coins.
The switch between water/ladder states is weird.
I do need to remember which levels does that situation where you go from swimming to climbing happen, so maybe I could figure out something (So far, I recall the first tutorial level and Krimb level 2).
In Atlantis, I added a moving platform that sort of makes it easier to leave water.
The van part at least I fixed it some time ago because of a stream.
Booker is more of a father figure to Stella, I once thought of a part in the game where characters discuss family stuff and even mention why Stella loves Booker that much.
Treasure chamber, you mean the slot machine at the very start of Massag-Coav?
Speaking of health: I got an appointment later this month, so there's that. But still, thanks.