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Sweet jesus.
You did ALL of that... without canvas? It's all just divs, buttons and textareas?

You made the text animate by changing the scale value multiple times a second, instead of using the css animate?

And managed to made a fun game?

You are a madman. And a genious.
[Edit: I noticed you have canvas.js, so you probably use canvas somewhere. Still, kudos]

thank you very much for playing!

to clarify, canvas.js has nothing to do with actual HTML canvas, it's just a set of helpers to manage my canvas replacement (basically a div). there is no HTML canvas anywhere in the game's code.

yeah, the game could be optimised a great deal by doing at least some of the things with CSS animations instead of controlling it all with JS, but I am no CSS magician and I simply didn't have that much time to experiment because of the gamejam time constraints obviously.

I'm super glad you've found the game fun!