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A member registered Mar 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing the game!

I should probably include some more hints to direct players better.

Thanks for thorough comment!

The bugs are irritating, since I can't fix them during the voting process. I would really like to fix them though!

> Playthrough 1 I tried to craft a second axe, and it broke the hunger timer and removed all my locations.

How... did you... even do that? Did you put all locations into the crafting menu? What do you mean by "broke the hunger timer"? Did it just stop? Did it disappear?

>  Playthrough 2, (and I might just be bad at code review), I got all three titles (I'm pretty sure I just needed one) but was unable to pass the altar check, it just gave me the prompt that awards you food, even when any title is placed in any slot.

You're right, you only need one title. Kudos on discovering all three! Unfortunately, the occult stuff was done as last, so it is a bit lacking in my opinion. As for the altar check, that is a known bug. You have to do it in a certain item order, or i won't work.  I already fixed that bug - the fixed version is in the github link in the game.

> I don't mind the card art, I think it works fine and you portray things pretty well on them. I think you would only need minor adjustments to the UI color theme to really sell it a bit better.

Thanks! I think I am probably the only person who used vector art. I am not the best at designing UIs, it is harder than it looks.

> There were a few other gameplay oddities/cheese. One is that you can stall the timer of any card by placing it in your activity slot. Allowing you to juggle a timed card indefinitely. Items temporarily disappear from your activity slot when you collect from your bank and re-appear when you click something (I think someone mentioned this earlier). You can put almost any item in a second location spot (e.g. beach/forest) and deploy the mission successfully, even though most items don't affect the mission.

I am aware of the cheese. But on the other hand, the game is challenging enough. I should make the cards pop out from the crafting menu when it is invisible.

> And then my personal list of grievances which you can ignore if you feel like lol. I don't mind the front of the game being as unforgiving as it is but it can telegraph that the game might be wayy more timing intensive than it is. I know earlier in my playthrough I didn't enjoy being time-locked by 'madness' whilst testing things against the altar. When rolling for endings with your signal fire, the 'empty sea' roll is a complete troll lol.

I think the game becomes a bit less frustrating when you know how it works under the hood. The randomness is tamed a little bit - the items are being drawn from the deck, which guarantees that all the aoutcomes will eventually happen. I probably should include a ritual for summoning a ship though.

As for the madness - there is a herb that can cure it.

> anyways great release, I enjoyed it a lot, clearly ( I will probably at some point go and get the second end).

Thanks! When you do so, try the version in the github link.

I am surprised you're still rating the games! The whole place got a lot quieter.

May the cute exterior of this game not fool you. You are a fresh spawn in this hellish world, with a predator around every corner. You chances of survival are low, as the odds are stacked againt you. The bluish substance predators dwell in saps your strength, and slows down your movement, making the capture inevitable if you stay inn for too long. Soon, a you are swarmed with beasts hungry for your blood circling a little island of safety you managet to get yourself in in a hurried panic.

As others said: It would be nice to have more variety in killing stuff, and stuff being killed.

Being a death cap is definetly a novel idea. This is the first game of the jam I played as a mushroom.

You've programmed this whole thing in C? Nice work!

I got killed by the boss. And found no cats. Sorry kitties!

It is a very fun game, I wish I liked it more.
Unfortunately, I got stuck on one of the early segments. It seems like the game wanted me to to get triple height from one booster, but I only managed to do it once. Unfortunately, you have to start from the beginning of the room if you fail.

Fun, well executed game, but you can get stuck.

I played the game, and congratulations on getting the 3D environment to work! Many animations are very nice.

There are some typos and grammar error here and there, but nothing major.

Unfortunately, I got stuck. I had to "send a message", but I had no idea how to do it. I will conclude my story here. In my headcannon, the main character ended up as an government employee as a pure accident, and began working for a shady government organisation. He became the most average employee they have, as a means of avoiding detection.

You can try out mine, I'll check out yours

Rate Shipwrecked by hinadira for Acerola Jam 0 -

I won the spooky game!
It seems like running into the darkness where the arrow is is the way to go.

Maybe remove the arrows, but give more torches?

Thanks for the words of encouragement!

Perhaps I should add some kind of tutorial to the game to make it easier to get the basics. Thanks for the advice.

Thanks! I don't expect the game to win.
And my artistic abilities are not the best, I hoped players imagination would do the heavy lifting for me.

Sweet jesus.
You did ALL of that... without canvas? It's all just divs, buttons and textareas?

You made the text animate by changing the scale value multiple times a second, instead of using the css animate?

And managed to made a fun game?

You are a madman. And a genious.
[Edit: I noticed you have canvas.js, so you probably use canvas somewhere. Still, kudos]

I just saw your game - what I did with Html and JS was merely utilitarian. Your is a work of art.

That situation really sucks. I hope it will get better. With Blackouts, and Cuba.

Nice game, and nice graphics! The controls aren't bad (although, it would be nice if the "glitch" still worked if it was pressed at the same time as the direction key)

Glitching has a tendency to get you stuck in walls, throwing you into inta-kill pit, or just out right kill you. But I suppose that's on brand for a glitch!

I played your game.
It looks like a finished game! I only encountered one bug. And it is quite polished, good work!

Nice game where you are a cat, jump around and collect crystals. It's missing a dedicated meow button, but that can be worked around.
Btw, for a long time when the game told me "remember that you can sprint", but didn't tell me how to I thought it was being sarcastic. Then, after dying, I moved screen around with the scrolls and there it was! In the left bottom corner, the instructions. You should probably include the button to press in the hint. If somebody didn't found your instructions, telling them to remember about something they don't know wouldn't help much.

Besides that, I liked the cool visuals, and how the screen became more and more noisy with time. Got me on the edge!

Thanks for the tip!

You have to use the grenade to jump over that chasm, the landmine sends up while the grenade sends you diagonally, but requires a wall.

When I toss the grenades, they land waay to far to jump on them! How do you do it?

I can join the fun.

Sorry but... I didn't like the game :<

First, the controls. Jump with spacebar, move with arrows, and attack with mouse. I have only 2 hands, so I can only do 2 at the time. There were a lot of bugs, unfortunately. just before the boss there is missing collision. So even though it looks like a platform, it drops mw into the spikes every single time.

Maybe with more polish I'd like it more. Don't be discouraged! What you managed to do in just 2 days is a lot.

In my game Aberration = cosmic horror. Plain and simple.

I wrote my game in javascript, and the interface is made with html and css.

I suppose this achieves the same effect.

This game looks great! I wish I was a better player, so that I could play it. Unfortunately, I got stuck on the second level. No matter what I did, I couldn't jump through the wider chasm. Can't say too much about the game, unfortunately, since I've seen too little.

The idea of being a disabled goblin who has to jump using explosions is great!

Thanks for playing the game! And for the kind words of encouragement.

The player is meant to feel struggling for survival in the first part of the game. But as they find and craft tools, and are able to craft better food items which satiate the hunger for longer. I want that to feel good, as if the player made progress.

> fact that you can do multiple actions at once definitely slipped by me the first few playthroughs so some tutorialisation for that would be appreciated (or at least mentioning that on the tips on the itch page)
This is one of the things that seemed completely obvious to me, but looks like the players are struggling with this idea. I'll heed your advice and add it to the page, thanks.

Thanks! You seem like somebody more experienced in making games, so this means a lot.

It's nice to hear that the gameplay feels good.

As for the escape - have you tried to make a really big fire?

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game and valid criticism!

There is no sound, because I know less about making sounds than making art. And I was under the impression that we can't use stock sound effect, haha.

Thanks for playing the game, and the kind words of encouragement!

Thank you for playing!

It is a type of a game, where you will probably die on your first run, but you get better as you learn more of the game mechanics and recipes. Eventually winning is quite easy.


Thanks, and I am glad you liked it!

Thank you for the comprehensive reply! It's very useful.

> Presentation as a whole is lacking, but I'm sure you know it
Yeah, I focused first on making the game work. If you add to that I am not the best artist or a designer... unfortunately the game looks a bit rough.

> Everytime I collected something with a card on the use/craft slots, they would disappear. I had to put another card for them to reappear for some reason.
That's a weird bug. If you collect cards, they should appear in your stash (the lower left portion of the screen)

> Some mechanical nitpicks: the way hunger would just pick a food item and rearrange your inventory during crafting
I need to change how the inventory system works. I plan on adding a sorting to the system, as well as allow the player to place cards manually where they want to. Unfortunately, we can't update our games during the voting period.

(1 edit)

You can speed up time in the right upper corner. The fastest setting is quite fast.
Thank you for playing and a critique!

You've managed to get both endings? Woah, congratulations! I thought my game is going to be too hard, by reading other peoples comments. I think your genre savviness made my game a bit easier for you.

(1 edit)

I promised I'll check out your game, but this is too obtuse for me.
I get that there are two sine waves, and we have to get them to cancel out.

Prt-tip number one. If you are confused what the hell are you supposed to do: You have to make a wave that is the same as the wave you are given. You got four different wave shapes to do it. They do add up.

Pro-tip number two: Try increasing volume first. Without the volume, nothing you do will produce any change. The other buttons are not useless just because nothing happens when you click them - they do nothing if volume is at 0.

Still, I am plenty confused. What is note letter? Does it affect sine wave frequency? What is "Note number"? It also seems to change the frequency. And Volume doesn't affect just amplitude, it seems to add another sine waves to the mix? Also, what is "special"?

This game is a cool way of producing your own sounds. I really liked this deep monstrosity that made my headphones vibrate, 

My game is here. Take a look and I'll have a look at yours

The game has atmosphere. And a really big pytamid! Also, scorpions.

Good thing I've read the comments before starting, because then I'd have no idea that I have to find a pyramid.

Unfortunately, the problems start when you get to the pyramid, because the game turns into a first person precision platformer. Which is a very hard type of game to execute even for the professional games. The controls are... not the best for this. Floaty movements weren't so bad when I was only walking, but when I had to make a very precise strife to the left, but I held the right key a few milisecond too long and fell they made me rather frustrated. Add to this lack of textures (or maybe the effects were hiding the textures?) which made judging my speed a bit harder. Not only that, you can lose a lot of progres by unlucky falls. 

Which is what got me to quit.

Don't be too discouraged by my words! I think the game is a great start. Just... give the player some kind of "sneak" ability, that allows them to move slower and more precise.