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Well, aren't you the master of verbal inflation? Literally stretching a "nuh uh" to hundreds of characters. You should get into politics my lad, making excuses for obvious lies and talk about nothing in a pretentious manner seem to be your forte.

However, I also restate my points, maybe you'll comprehend:

1) Runey's life is not my fucking problem.

2) There are things that may happen in life that makes the game cancelled, and we'll not know about them in advance, however, we can interpret the activity (or lack thereof) of the development. This latter indicates an abandoned project thinly veiled behind devlogs.

You don't have to agree, but knowing your trainwreck of thought would be nice, because right now I envision you as a sort of well spoken Homer Simpson, lack of oxygen makes your brain barely functional beyond "walk, talk, eat, use toilet, clean, drink, push buttons, hopefully don't burn anything".


You do understand he lost a relative and has been dealing with the stress of the legal BS that comes with the loss as well as the emotional factors. If you were in his shoes would your creativity not be impacted? He has slowed a bit also due to the fact of not being well if you looked at his updates you would understand life has not been sunshine and rainbows for him. I'm not saying its wrong to have an opinion by any means but if your not happy with the pace of development then it may be best for you to move on rather than trying to tear others down over your own frustrations. Picture being in his shoes and going through everything while having someone attacking you over a hobby you enjoy just because your not moving at a pace they are demanding of you.


Mate, you troll around calling others' logic a 'trainwreck', meanwhile you blatantly ignore Runey's problems in life and then go, "Well it's not my problem".

It doesn't matter whether or not it's your problem. The entire point is that we're still receiving updates on the Patreon even if we're not seeing them here. People are literally telling you that the project isn't cancelled.

Just say that you want instant gratification and move on. Stop screaming at people for the (non) crime of telling you that you're jumping the gun.


 @bannedby  you missed a bit.  Join the free tier on patreon,  there is posts by runney on 16th Jan, 8 weeks ago.  The project is not abandoned.  The posts are not on here because..... patreon is the source of truth for the game.  Go there if you want more info faster.  Stay here if you want a 30+ hour game for free better than the world's first AAAA game by far.  


No I didn't miss. Those are, however, empty words. I can literally generate an infinite amount of that by simply looking at anyone criticising Saint Runey, and just copying what the spineless cockpuppets write in defense. I only consider actual work done. Which leads me to believe that 0.18 is the final form, and I'm still yet to be proven wrong. Let me explain. You, are, a cunt. I just insulted you, right? Well, I didn't insult you. Now, is that denial of obvious reality makes my insult go away and magically make retroactively that I called you a wonderfully eloquent person? No, denial and proving wrong is two different things. You can deny all you wish, but the facts remain. Patreon is not a source of truth for anything. Reality is. And in reality, the last update to the game was months ago, and the last update is held beyond a paywall. Unless, of course, you wish to be sold the truth about the "globe earth". Yeah, flat earth true believers are on patreon. You can write anything on Patreon.


ahh, the troll is getting salty because his complaints were proven invalid.  Its ok, here, have a hug and a kiss.


any more insightful observations @bannedby? Look at Defending Lydia Collier, 5 months between previous update (nov 1) and current update (march 25).  Harem Hotel is doing fine.  Whether here on Itch or the "join for free" tier on patreon, 2+ months between updates for a free game is fine :D .  If you knew anything about the current  game development/ content creation space, runey has/is performing great.  Don't worry, it's as ok to have a wrong opinion as it is to be a salty commenter ;)

(2 edits) (+2)

Love how bannedby created at least 4 accounts (more for sure because of the name) just to upvote himself and downvote everyone else because of a dude he argued with 16 days ago. Just could not stand losing some random internet argument and will probably remember this until the day he dies, holy shit