Well, aren't you the master of verbal inflation? Literally stretching a "nuh uh" to hundreds of characters. You should get into politics my lad, making excuses for obvious lies and talk about nothing in a pretentious manner seem to be your forte.
However, I also restate my points, maybe you'll comprehend:
1) Runey's life is not my fucking problem.
2) There are things that may happen in life that makes the game cancelled, and we'll not know about them in advance, however, we can interpret the activity (or lack thereof) of the development. This latter indicates an abandoned project thinly veiled behind devlogs.
You don't have to agree, but knowing your trainwreck of thought would be nice, because right now I envision you as a sort of well spoken Homer Simpson, lack of oxygen makes your brain barely functional beyond "walk, talk, eat, use toilet, clean, drink, push buttons, hopefully don't burn anything".