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For the box motion, one possibility could be to attach it to the player and so remove it as a physical object while held, just attach its rotation to the player (if that's possible, I use Godot, not what you're using). Another idea might be to simplify the box movement to have a move mode and a rotate mode so that it can move in straight lines but then be rotated when needed while stationary.

(1 edit)

based on your idee to split process push mode and rotate mode, I split by angle the player push for let a free space only pushing, and two other for rotate positif and negatif (also I check colision box and player when the box rotate). It seem work more correctly like this :D thanks.

edit: but move the white box in a correct angle for laser look more dificulte now x')

No problem! I know it can sometimes be hard to see simple solutions by yourself when you have been working on the same problem for a while.