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(2 edits) (+1)

i just found that the game crash if you go on the quest The Choosen One the game crash if it load the quest on new save file i don't know how it happen. I test it on a fresh file on 0.3.2 and now the game don't crash i don't know why my 0.3.1 file crash with this quest ( i test it on my 1.2.6 file that i use before and the quest don't make the game crash)

Here the crash log

(4 edits)

This was the one quest i rewritten in version 0.3.2. Having too many objectives in the quest dosent made it load so i changed it. I removed some objectives that the game stil will try to load on an already existing save file, which causes the crash.

Thats also the reason i included the notice to interact once with a safe flame when playing on version 0.3.2 with a older safe file, it will update that quest to make it not crash anymore.

Your save file shouldnt crash when you interacted at least one time with a save flame before going into the quest log. Or does it still crash even after doing that?

If so i will make a patch that will fix that.


the last time i had save was in 0.3.2 and when i just interact with the save point and open the quest it still crash

Okay that is good to know, thanks.

When i will release a patch tommorow that should fix it!