If you want to hack the game just for yourself, open files\scripts\repeatable_quests.gd with Notepad++ or another editor, find the line
var questsarray = {
and insert your custom requests after it. Read how the existing requests are written and follow this template:
questXXX = {
code = 'XXX',
shortdescription = '...',
description = '...',
reqs = [...],
reqstemp = [...],
time = round(rand_range(DAY_MIN,DAY_MAX)),
reward = round(rand_range(GOLD_MIN,GOLD_MAX))*10,
location = [...],
difficulty = ...
"XXX" must be a unique code. Currently it must be bigger than 023
"shortdescription" and "description" are plain text
in "time" and "reward" replace DAY_MIN/MAX and GOLD_MIN/MAX with numbers (GOLD_MIN/MAX must be 1/10th of the final min/max reward)
"location" is where the quest is available: it could be 'any' or one or more towns, separated by commas ('winborn', 'gorn', 'frostford')
'difficulty' can be 'easy', 'medium' or 'hard'
'reqs' and 'reqstemp' are a list of requirements. Each of them is inside square brackets and it is like ['STAT, 'OPERATOR', VALUE]:
- STAT can be any physical or mental stat (obed for obedience, conf for confidence, sagi for agility, sex, race, origins, beauty, haircolor, titssize, ...). For the full list, see files\scripts\person\person.gd
- 'OPERATOR' can be 'eq' (equal), neq (not equal), 'gte' (equal to or greater than), 'lte' (equal to or less than);
- VALUE can be a number, a 'string' or a function extracting a random value (e.g. randsex() returns male or female)