I imagine look-wise it might be better to just go for older engines from the start, but most of those are so unwieldy, inefficient and sometimes just straight up horrible to use. I actually tried manually setting a low resolution in UE4 first, but since that always screws with monitor layouts and the like when fullscreen, I thought the postprocessing option was preferable.
Yeah... I still fondly remember things like "I am the Intergalactic Wizards", just really bizarre stuff. I'd currently like to try something more out there for 2020, but who knows how I'm feeling next time the jam hopefully rolls around. While I learned a ton both with Cyberpunk Helpdesk and this game, it should be an interesting experience to just try to do something as weird as we can muster.
I have little Unity experience and don't actually know how to even do a healthbar in Unreal without looking it up, but from what I've seen, the UI system in Unreal actually seemed pretty robust. I've just not learned how to use it yet, which made me skip a UI entirely!