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Think of it from our perspective: unless you follow his streams, there has been no progress update. No new screenshots in years, the website is down, no talk online anywhere except for Twitch which you have to be watching at exactly the right time to hear any news, etc.

I am sure this guy is a good programmer, but because this demo came out twelve years ago I am not hopeful that it will *actually* be released. It seems more like his "forever project." A white whale that will never be caught.

Sometimes things like this happen. Someone starts a project and works on it for years without ever finishing it, trying to reach perfection. It's always sad when this happens, but it's a more common story than not.


you are such a weirdo making random assumptions about intent and process. He owes you nothing and can work at whatever pace he wants. Not all art is a product under deadlines. People make things for various reasons, and this wasn't made for you

(1 edit) (+1)

> "He owes you nothing and can work at whatever pace he wants."

ok, sure, but you can't provide zero updates and expect people to stay interested. He doesn' owe us updates but we also don't owe him anything either. If this game ever gets released, almost nobody is going to know about it or play it. If it is a paid game, that is even more so. That is how demand works. Out of sight, out of mind. This game was all over the place when the demo was released. How many people even remember this now, 12 years later, besides his diehard fans? Even Yandere Dev did a better job of keeping his fans updated, and generating interest.


> "This wasn't made for you"

it absolutely was. This kind of game is right up my alley and I want to see more of it. I just think taking 12 years to make a game is an absolutely ridiculous time span. A "forever project" is exactly what it sounds like. It is a project that gets started, but then never gets finished even though the promise to finish is always there. Spend any time in software development or game development, and it will happen to you too. its a really common thing to happen.

> You are such a weirdo making random assumptions about intent and process

I never made assumptions about his intent. I have been doing software engineering for 4 years now since I graduated college, and I see this kind of thing happen all the time. If you don't have a set schedule and proper project management with defined goals, the piece of software will never be finished.

If anything you are making assumptions of my intent, which is fairly ironic.

he's definitely still working on this game. i know because ive spoken to the guy as he's been doing so, over on Twitch. The game has also deviated so much from this original prototype here that it absolutely DWARFS this alpha demo.