Wasn't really what I was expecting when looking at the cover art XD. A fun platformer, although I quite sucked at it (I got stuck on level two :'), or is there only two levels ?). I do think some parts require a bit too much precision for this type of controls (like the on/off platforms on level two, I ended up just wall-jumping off the stone pillars lol). I was also confused on where to go after the final help sign on level two, although I didn't take the tuna taxi so sorry if that was the way to progress the level.
I also had some performance issues on level two, most probably because the entire level was rendered at once. I'd suggest limiting rendering to a certain distance from the camera like here ; https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/fr-fr/unreal-engine/visibility-and-occlu... and using lower resolution models (Level of Detail/LOD) or just an image for far viewing (https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Types/StaticMeshes/H...).
Overall, however, it's a great first game and impressive that you made it in one week ! Keep up the good work.