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A member registered Jan 06, 2024 · View creator page →

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Lovely relaxing game. I like the dark and lighting mechanic. The swimming felt really good too. Nice game !

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Wasn't really what I was expecting when looking at the cover art XD.  A fun platformer, although I quite sucked at it (I got stuck on level two :'), or is there only two levels ?).  I do think some parts require a bit too much precision for this type of controls (like the on/off platforms on level two, I ended up just wall-jumping off the stone pillars lol). I was also confused on where to go after the final help sign on level two, although I didn't take the tuna taxi so sorry if that was the way to progress the level.

I also had some performance issues on level two, most probably because the entire level was rendered at once. I'd suggest limiting rendering to a certain distance from the camera like here ; https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/fr-fr/unreal-engine/visibility-and-occlu... and using lower resolution models (Level of Detail/LOD) or just an image for far viewing (https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/WorkingWithContent/Types/StaticMeshes/H...).

Overall, however, it's a great first game and impressive that you made it in one week ! Keep up the good work.

Really fun game ! Love the visuals and audio design. Swimming and especially jumping felt really good and satisfying too. I was a bit confused on what to do at first and where to find the golden minnows. Like others have said, maybe a tutorial on where to find and how to save the golden minnows would help. But other than that, awesome game !

Thank you ! Yeah, I wish I had more time to draw different types of packages :(. Glad you liked it though ! Also don't worry about your memory, I did go a little overboard with the difficulty XD.

The most fun game I've tried so far in this jam. Especially the shooting audio, it's so satisfying. The merging mechanic is really interesting too. I think the basic fish turret is a little overpowered compared to other towers since you can spam build it pretty quickly. I found myself building 90% fish turrets and 10% combination of others and got to wave 29. Maybe limiting the amount of space where you can build a bit more would make it more tactical. But then again, making a bullet hell for enemies is super fun XD. Awesome game !

Thank you ! I made the lore in 3 minutes lol.

Thank you for the feedback and sorry about that. I initially wanted to make different packages to be delivered but ran out of time to draw so I resorted to using different colors. On second thought I could've added text above the mails to indicate what color they are. Going to try asking if I can update the game to add that.

Really cool survivor game with a very clean and striking visual. The attack felt powerful after a few upgrades and it was fun blowing bubbles everywhere. The challenge level was also just right.

Finally I can play the game. Wasn't sure why the game won't load the first time I tried it (I used google chrome btw, in case it might be needed. Although it may be just my laptop). The game is really lovely and cute. Wished there were more levels but still fun nonetheless. 

A definitely ordinary fishing game with a nice change of scenery. It even has a nice guy named Omar who really likes fish and tells you to take all the time you need :D. In all seriousness though, a great game with a fun (?) twist on fishing. One thing that could be improved in my opinion is emphasizing the design difference between the two types of fish a bit more. I wasn't really sure if I differentiated all of them correctly. All in all, awesome work !

Flopping around as a fish turned out to be really fun ! From the screenshots it seems you made quite a few levels too, which is very impressive. I still suck quite a lot at the game though, so I haven't even gotten outside the house XD. I did encounter some minor visual bugs with objects in a different room glitching in and out, but other than that it runs really well. Will definitely try to beat it.

Very cute and wholesome ! I love the visuals and the character designs. One mechanic I think would be cool to add is making money and buying medicines for different types of illnesses, so there's a management aspect to the game. Overall, great job !

Cute game ! I like the fish designs and them running away along with the hostile fishes gives the game just the right amount of challenge. I don't know if this is a bug but I couldn't pick up orange rocks that are in front of the sea plant decoration thing. Overall , great job !

Cool second game. Would be awesome if you had more time for more weapons and sounds, but overall good job !

Sorry about that XD. I thought it would get boring if the game went on for too long. I guess I went overboard on level 5 and 6,  although level 6 IS a bonus level so :)

A fun fish RPG. It felt a little overwhelming at first due to all the UI, but it's easy and quick to understand after reading the instructions. Good job !

Thanks !

Nah you're good, this game was made to prevent that XD. Also thank you.

Thank you !

Thank you !

Cool game with lovely pixel art ! I kinda wished that there would be more puzzle gameplay involving the mazes instead of the exploding barrels clearing up a way for you directly, but I think that's just my preference. Zooming around and breaking everything at the end was fun too. Overall, I give it a ALIENS ARE REAL, PEOPLE ARE JUST TOO IGNORANT TO REALIZE IT / 10.

Thank you ! Glad you liked the transformations.


Very interesting puzzle ! I really liked it. Made me scratch my head for a while XD.  The music and graphics really set the tone and atmosphere of the game too.

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Thank you for the feedback ! So, the idea of the game is not really just a bunch of looping random puzzles. You actually have a lot more control over the levels than you think. That's why there are levels that are impossible to solve normally. The clue is on the second room on your first playthrough which says "Your actions will be watched".  I was trying to give a hint without making it too obvious, although I definitely made it too vague and it's not conveyed well enough on the levels since most people didn't realize it. As for the heart cube, it's actually a little easter egg from Portal. It's supposed to be a Companion Cube.

Awesome visuals and gameplay ! One of the most fun entries I've tried so far. The upgrades are on point and allows you to really make a bullet hell. The music also really sets the atmosphere. Great job !

Thank you ! Also thanks for the bug report. Gonna fix it along with the sensitivity and music volume issues.

Cheers to you too !

Fun speed platforming game ! I really like the graphics and music. I don't have much feedback other than the controls and collisions could be improved (like everyone here already said).  The thing that bothered me the most was that the character kept moving for a while after I release the forward key. But, other than that, it's a great game !

Really relaxing game. The environment is absolutely gorgeous, though it does get quite laggy while the game is procedurally generating more of the environment. In my opinion, the game just needs optimization and something to encourage more exploration of the world. Maybe some minigames like a short race track. It's amazing that you got the procedural generation working well in a week. Must've been really tricky and took forever. Keep it up !

Thanks !

Thank you !

It's amazing that you used HTML and typescript to make this. It's rare to see games made without a game engine in a jam not specifically requiring it. The mechanic is really fun and definitely can get really deep. I don't have many ideas on how to expand the game aside from adding sound and a few animations since I still lack experience in making and playing games like this, but one that I do have is maybe enemies that can change realms ? You probably already have more ideas than me, though. Looking forward to the updated version.

Really loved dashing through the doors. It feels epic paired with the sound effects and music. I also really liked the different environments. Sorry that my feedback is the same as others (e.g. hard to see obstacles, controls could be smoother but it's still fine for me). Couldn't find anything lacking besides that (which is a good thing of course). Overall a really fun game.

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Oh, I see. I thought I it worked properly when I first tried it. Seems I remembered incorrectly. Gonna change it to Unity's full screen button after the jam, along with settings for mouse sensitivity and volume at least.

Thank you !

Definitely one of (if not) the best game in the jam. The puzzles are amazing and clever. Can't believe you managed to make so many of them ! The movement and friction could be smoothened a bit, but other than that, for me there's nothing lacking in the game. Had an absolute blast playing it.

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Really nice game ! The lies room really sent chills down my spine ;-; The atmosphere is really nice. For a second I thought you were supposed to walk into the painting kinda like in Viewfinder XD. I know it's really hard but would've been really amazing if you guys somehow pulled it off. Maybe in a future update ?

Like everyone said, the background and blackhole are absolutely beautiful. The shooting also feels nice, though I think the reload could use some more feedback (like adding a reload sound).  I don't know if this was intended but sometimes the enemies appear right at the spawn and pretty much kills you instantly. Also, were the tornadoes meant to help dodge the enemies' attacks ? Overall a really nice game.

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Ah ok. Cool !