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I saw your game in one of the "Share progress" thingys earlier and decided to check it out.
I managed to start it but it was not very convenient.
Now, i don't really know anything about Mr. Limpet, so i can't appreciate the story in a way a fan would, but i liked it.
Visual style is by far the best part of this game.
And walking around is kind of tedious and slow. There is no reason in allowing players to walk on both axis when paths are pretty much linear. I missed a trigger a couple of times because i walked down a bit.


ok thank you for letting me know it worked and the constructive criticism. I see this game as more of a rough draft(like every game I've made)  as far as the movement with the character the step above that is just too quick and doesn't look right... Trust me I would like him to move faster. As far as him walking around idk I want to do more with it but I'm only  one pretty inexperienced individual and I only had a couple days to do it and I'm kinda trying to get rid of a migraine I got  because of the tunnel vision i got working on it. But I see your point and agree. Thank you!