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A member registered May 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

It's a surprise that this game has barely any rating because this game's art style is extremely adorable! And the game itself is fun too.
Although it feels really bad when the fish blows up(

The fish turning feels really funny but at the time it's really hard to control it's movement. Controls need some work, for sure. Aside from that it's fun.

Fun game, although kind of resource intensive despite it's visuals.

The game seems to count the fish globally and doesn't update upon loading another level or restarting. Restarting takes you back to level 1. Not good.

Absolutely adorable art style! Very unique.

For some reason game locks every minion after you have beaten the first one. Shame, wanted to finish it.

Loved the dynamic of this game. 

This was challenging as well. Although i felt like there is a huge difficulty spike after a certain amount of points. It would be cool if difficulty would be more evenly spread throughout the whole proccess.

(1 edit)

Loved the music and the story! It was nice reading a little dialogue at the bottom, although i think the dialogue window took too much screen space.

Waiting for the enemies is kind of tedious because it seems spawning is tied to time rather than the amount of distance you have covered. Also there is a bug that enables you to dash infinitely by continuously spamming shift button.

(3 edits)

This game is quite relaxing!

Liked the fish variety and the idea of taking quality pictures of wildlife for progression.

The problem though is that quality of pictures seem to be determined mostly by how many fish are there in the shot. Because of that a picture of a bunch of salmon is like 4 times more valuable than the close up picture if an angler, which doesn't make sense from a game progression standpoint.

Nice simulator. The atmosphere and the idea are very interesting.

I would be cool if there was any kind of sea creature that would be a threat, because right now the only way to die is to run out of health. And it is reducing to fast for comfort. It was kinda hard enough to keep myself afloat while i was only on my base farming reports, but then the servers started to break. At that point i just accepted my fate and exploded.

Also the lack of music and usage of Half-life sounds gives this game Source's omnious vibe. I don't know if it's good or not though.

(1 edit)

Thanks! We appreciate the criticism.

If rotating camera will be a persistent issue among reviewers we will consider adding an option to disable this effect or even replace it with something else entirely. 
We experienced this uncomfortable feeling as well when we started working on the game, but after a certain time we stopped paying attention to it, so it's hard to tell how bad it is for the new players.

(2 edits)

That fish got some moves! Loved the feel of the game.

I don't play rythm games much but this UI layout and keyboard binds seemed rather unsusual.

Also it seems you can just smash every button and it will work out because there is no punishment for misuse of buttons.

(4 edits)

I didn't find out.

Loved the concept and while my time with the game was mostly positive, it had some rough edges.

The fact that there is barely no sound in this game is kind of a missed opportunity to make dealing with the angler more bearable.
As it is right now, angler apperaring seems to depend on the amount of time that you use your light and it is really hard to determine how much time it is before the next time angler appears.
That is a problem because covers for camouflage are rather scarce and are mostly at the dead ends.
It would be really great if the angler was giving some kind of audio cue or something and if you had an opportunity to hide even without cover.
Maybe if there was a very hard button sequence to hide in plain sight or if there were simply more cover spaces.

(2 edits)

While i liked the visuals and the general idea, it was really slow.

I read fast and waiting for the text to go all the way and not having an ability to skip these transitions is not a fun experience.

Aside from that, it was nice. Would be cool if you had more outfit choices per competition and if you had music in game.

(1 edit)

Didn't play it myself, but watched my friend play when you released it in the "Share progress" thing. Looks fun and engaging. Awesome visuals and audio.

I see the potential, but way it is executed now is not good.
Giving the player a lot of money right at the start kind of eliminated the whole point of fishing.
Even when you do decide to go out fishing it is very unclear know to catch fish. I shoot the fish, pull it back up, and nothing happens. I tried everything and it didn't work.
Ability to buy shack accessories is kind of nice but then again, you can buy it right at the start so there is no actual value to these accessories.

(2 edits)

If you intend on creating the same kind of games like you would in RPGM then i suggest you stay on RPGM. I presume you just need to find a different version or edition or something because i played a ton of RPGM games and most of them work fine without any of the prerequisite shenanigans. I don't use RPGM myself so i don't know for sure. But if you are open to create something different of in a different way Godot and Unity are basicaly your only options. They are popular and relatively simple to use. Though you should learn coding on C# to use them.

I saw your game in one of the "Share progress" thingys earlier and decided to check it out.
I managed to start it but it was not very convenient.
Now, i don't really know anything about Mr. Limpet, so i can't appreciate the story in a way a fan would, but i liked it.
Visual style is by far the best part of this game.
And walking around is kind of tedious and slow. There is no reason in allowing players to walk on both axis when paths are pretty much linear. I missed a trigger a couple of times because i walked down a bit.

(1 edit)

This game is a straight up triple S! It's a simple, silly and something-i-would-actually-play-if-i-was-a-kid-in-the-back-of-the-classroom kind of game. I love it!
But man... your uncle is not exactly a good guy.

Thanks for a feedback!
Regarding the speed issue: there is a shift boost in the game that makes you go faster.
Didn't you use it or was it still slow?

It seems like the game is bugged and you can't do anything besides swimming in uranus.
Why would you send a fish to mars?
Also i met Joe

I like this game. The atmosphere and the general gameplay loop is a strong side of this game.
The weak side is the ending and the replayability. Maybe i did something wrong at the end but i was straight up eaten. It was kind of anticlimactic considering i did pretty good at shooting the enemies. And there is only one type of enemies which made the game repetitive after a couple of waves.

Hey! We used your font to create a game for FishFest. Loved the simplicity of it.
The game itself: Finite

Hey! Nice UI-pack! We used it to created a game for Fishfest. It complemented another asset pack that we used in development.
The game itself: Finite

Hey! Great asset pack! Used it to create a game for FishFest.
The game itself: Finite

I really like this one. Haven't played a lot of games yet, but right now this is my favorite.
One thing i don't like is the volume and quality of fish audio. When you asign fish to a building it just screams something in wormi'sh and it's not something i am fond of.

Fun at first, but gets repetitive after first two runs or so.
Weapons are fun to use, aside from the bomb that kills you.
Enemies are not as annoying as they initially appear, but the problem with this game for me is it's controls.
Due to you being able to only dash, it is pretty hard to stay inside the worm even without enemies bothering you.

Quiet a nice game! Loved the visual style.
It was hard to understand how to play at first but managed to figure it out eventually.
Didn't catch 8 fish because waiting for the the right fish is kind of tedious. Especially when it comes to rare ones like devil and astronaut.

Соррян, но ты буквально слишком крут для нас. Мы не знаем как реализовать твои умения в полной мере. У нас команда с небольшим опытом и мы не собирались слишком много времени тратить на рзработку.

(1 edit)

Most likely you are looking for the "True detective" ending. Unlike the "Local hero", it does not start immediately. That means calling the police with window closed and than waiting for the police (comes after 2 visitors). Either that or the game is bugged.

(1 edit)

Massacre ending was bugged and now it works as intended. As far as i now it is the only one that has changed.

Currently only one doppelganger can be present in a playthrough. Most of the game endings are tied to what you did about that person. We will add a post listing all of the endings and how to get them.

(7 edits)

Thanks for a detailed feedback!

Monster (in it's true form) doesn't show up until the very end or until a certain conditions are met. Things and limbs you saw throughout the game are actually just harmless screamers to spice things up. The only clue of who is a doppelganger besides dialog is a TV broadcast that triggers automatically and gives away general info about the suspect (sex or maybe clothes). Sorry for a partly misleading description of the game.

As for the police, the reason why it can be called only once is that it arrives before the intended ending of the game and calling it several times would break the game. Calling police on the right person is a winnig condition and therefore should not be something you are supposed to do on the first playthrough or by a random chance.

Several similar anwsers is a bug and not a sign of a doppelganger. It will soon be fixed with a next update.

Also you didn't mention controls. Were they intuitive? Most of the people who we saw play this game seemed to have trouble interacting with ingame systems.

Edit: Game received an update. If you are still interested in playing we suggest to play on updated version. It fixes some game-breaking bugs and changes control scheme.

Yes, it does. It was our artistic vision of the game and the game itself was designed for that resolution. Was it a major inconvenience during gameplay or you just didn't like it?

Игра выглядит круто, хоть мой пк и не справлялся. Стилистикой напомнило Teardown. В плане геймплея всё хорошо вплоть до ожидания конца дня. Как только снег очищен, а фонари были зажжены, кроме прыганья туда сюда делать становится нечего, а скипнуть до ночи нельзя.

Очень хорошая менюшка, но всё остальное очень хромает. Моя пека еле выдержала, поэтому долго в самой игре я не задержался, но насколько я понял цели в ней нет, просто походить по карте. Добавить бы в неё всякого, чтобы было чем заняться. Оптимизация тоже была бы не лишней, хотя скорее у меня просто пк старый.

Интересная тематика. Отличные арты и атмосфера. С технической стороны придраться не к чему.

Просто, залипательно и атмосферно. Было бы идеально, если бы не несколько вещей:
1. Если слишком быстро двигать мышью с частью пазла то он может просто "выпасть" и дальше не следовать за курсором.
2. Ночная механика пусть и делает игру красивее и атмосфернее, но на моем мониторе без фонарика ночью очень трудно что-то разглядеть. Было бы неплохо если бы фонарик следовал за курсором.
3. Кнопка сброса выглядит безобидной, но лично меня она постоянно тревожила. Неподалеку от нее лежат пазлы и если неудачно дернуть мышью, то прогресс сбрасывается без какой-либо валидации.

По началу было прикольно очищать участок, как в каком-нибудь Stardew, но это довольно быстро наскучило. В целом неплохо, однако если вдруг надумаешь развивать проект, думаю тебе стоит сделать нечто, что сделает чистку более привлекательным занятием.

Арт хороший, а вот игре не хватает конечной цели. В первый раз зашел и залип на пару минут, а когда "очнулся" заметил как до сих пор ловлю весь мусор, но игра все никак не кончается. В остальном для первого опыта очень даже.

(2 edits)

Очень хорошие визуал, звук и история, качества которых я, честно говоря, не ожидал на этом джеме. Пазл тоже неплох, но это пожалуй самая слабая часть игры. Без гайда сложно понять что делать и не зная какие кнопки жать можно потратить кучу времени, пытаясь разобраться что да как.

Единственный минус, который не относится к пазлу - это текст в начале. Если кликать до того как реплика полностью появится (а появляется она долго), то вся реплика полностью скипается, а вернуться назад, насколько я понял, нельзя. Довольно неудобно.

В остальном же это отличный игровой опыт.