But i noticed something weird in file structure! When opening the original lockit (clicking on its unzipped form), it immediately goes to show the contents (files and game.zip) of the kit. But when I tried to unzip MY zip file after zipping it, it went like this: not-enough-time-LocJam-1.02-pl —> not-enough-time-LocJam-1.02 —> and THEN the files and source zip! It’s as if there was an additional layer/tier added to the folder. I don’t know how to explain it… probably not making much sense… but maybe that breaks everything!
I’m sorry… choose the top folder…? So just click on the whole thing and select "Send to compressed file (.zip)? Or it cannot be done right off the bat and third-party solution is absolutely necessary? I apologize for my stupidity, but I just don’t do that often, as you can clearly see 🤣 Also that "extra tier of folders" is only added if i try to RENAME the zip (for my convenience)