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My playthrough has been very fun so far, and I thoroughly enjoy steamrolling my foes now that I can command a full party.

There's one (potential) urgent issue, though:

- The Stone Giant is nowhere to be found in Fist of Stone (3) (and it doesn't appear elsewhere in the dungeon, either).

Since the dungeon isn't that large, I doubt that I missed the Stone Giant, especially considering that I had killed everything in sight.

While the game suffers from a couple of minor issues, reporting them can wait until I've finished my playthrough.

By the way, is it correct to assume that you hail from Germany (just like me)? While the German dialogue of that one NPC in Flayk might not be a strong enough basis for my assumption, the "Denglish" term "Unterground Cave" (German: Untergrund; English: Underground) on the save-screen would be a typical careless mistake in this scenario. ;)


Glad to hear that you enjoy playing so far! :) (And happy to hear that your party is now complete)

The Stone Giant not appearing does sound like a bug, yes. I'll look into that right away and upload a fixed version once it's done.

Also, I'm looking forward to learning more about the minor issues you mentioned!

And yes, that's absolutely correct - I'm from Germany :D. It's a little bit embarrassing though that something so cliche gave me away :D. I'll fix that too while I'm looking into the case of the missing Stone Giant! :)

Also, thanks for your feedback! I really appreciate that.

The Stone Giant can be encountered and defeated after the recent update, but the Black Board in Flayk's inn refuses to reward the player for the quest's completion.

By the way, there was an even stronger hint about you being German: Only being able to examine sign posts from the front seems to be a big thing in the German RPG Maker community. ;)

I'm slowly chipping away at the end-game content, so expect a few more posts from me in the following days. There are still a lot of loose ends, e.g. not being able to enter the Stormy Prairie (Western Edge western path) or the cave on Victorious Meadow, but I'll post a more comprehensive list at a later point, while I hopefully reduce the number of loose ends as I advance towards the game's ending.


I looked further into that issue and it appears I made a mistake by changing the event. Because of that, the quest wouldn't count as completed. However, this should've been fixed as soon as the new version goes live. (In order for this issue to be resolved on your part, the only thing you need to do is enter the tavern again. Then the bug fix should trigger.) I apologize for that.

As for the mentioned areas, they will be unlocked at certain parts of the story.

And wait, is that so? I honestly didn't know that what I did with the signs is such a big thing. xD Good to know, though. I'll do that in the other game I'm working on as well, then. :D

The updated version will go live later this night! :)

Thanks, I was able to successfully complete the quest this time. :)

Yeah, the German RPG Maker community can be weird sometimes. I have very specific ideas about what makes a JRPG enjoyable, but most German developers prefer less grind (I like grinding), more puzzles and mini-games (I can do without them), and more replay value and permanently missable stuff (I want to be able to achieve everything in one playthrough). So normally, I don't even play JRPGs made by German developers anymore, but I'm glad I - accidentally - made an exception this time. Not being able to feed my one prejudices beforehand was a blessing in disguise.


Nice, glad to hear that it works now! :)

Honestly, I'm at a loss for words - in a positive sense, and I'm unsure of how to properly respond. This comment means a lot to me and I thank you for that! :)

By the way, I also like to grind for stuff in games, especially for gear.

A true connoisseur of the genre. :)