Thanks for checking out our game on stream. It was really fun watching you play!
You are right in that sometimes key presses do not stick or work correctly. It was very hard trying to figure out a good way of giving the player the ability to interact with things. Some of the objects simply rely on collision areas which only work in a specific way, and then towards the end of the jam I came up with a better way using ray casting that I attached to a few objects but did not have enough time to fluff out every single one. I think the combination of these two and the fact that the game is in an isometric view can lead it to being confusing/unintuitive sometimes. I also think that a proper feedback system for what you're currently looking at or can interact with, something that isn't just a button above the player, but more of a like a highlight around the object, would also make it more clear about what you are interacting with.
We're open to any suggestions! This was, for about half of us, our first time participating in a game jam, and first time working on a game in general. This was a really fun experience and has led me to wanting to put more effort into this and polish it up even more.