I finally got time to play the new version, and this time I made some notes while playing
I have marked important reports with an "!" at the start of the line
Also I should note that I played on hard again.
First off the Rabbit Quest
Dialogue when entering the boss room: "Did the plant.. just screamed!?" grammatically wrong
Also for me the carrots for the bad end vanished somewhere along my play through
Salamander Quest
Torches state to get the relic before activating the Warp-Stone Flag
Enemies respawn during the clearing of the ruins (Defeating every "flame" once works to progress through)
Salamander FormGuarding seems to fill the heat gauge (completely).
Casino Night Quest
You can turn the quest in at night, however it will be day after leaving the building (or being thrown out, didn't note that down)
Angle Quest
You can start this Quest at night, this however will lead to a visual bug (where it is a mixture between night and day)
! This quest also doesn't seem to restore the Skill Potions/ Exp Shards after completion
! Sea Monster Quest
When I played it the red pillars were up when I entered (making it impossible to proceed in any way)
This however was bypassed through another bug I used
=> I went to the farm and activated the red switch, then used a Feather to warp to the Mermaid Tower, keeping the switch-status so I could pass
Also when approaching the bubbles the human picture is shown stating that the lower floors are flooded despite being in Sea-Monster form
Typos / Grammar
The book informing you about the world fragments (north of the starting area)
"I know you too don't wanted to resort to this"
"I will leave the this continent..."
Buying the Fairy Seed at the butterfly demon
"... I definitely can't tell it to you."
Wolf Quest
The fairies during the campfire sequence might still be a little to strong. I got one-cycled multiple times and there isn't an opportunity to level up prior.
The second phase of the fairy boss-fight might need a little nerf too since I grinded XP for 1.5h to finally be able to beat it (might be easier if one has high-level other forms)
Wolf Demon
The demon is of the same type as damage of the wolf form, effectively resulting in a fight like the one warned off before the Kraken (Sea Monster Quest)
Egg Problem
Nothing wrong with it, I'd just recommend a boss bar
I'd also recommend lvl 40+ with special item and demon defeated
Red/Blue Puzzle (Angel Gate) north of town doesn't shine when completed
The sign in the dungeon where you meet Firena (the dragon) still states that there is no World Fragment there in the demo
The door to the Phone/Credits room still opens with 0.2.xx requirements (not needing the new forms)
When you speak with Mekia after the Sea Monster Quest shell join the party despite already having 2 companions. (she won't participate in fights but still gain xp)
Not bugs
Butterfly and Sea Monster item(s) can't be found yet
Dog Shampoo hard to find (might need to teach players that items can be in containers that aren't highlighted)
Skipping the town tour would be nice for repeated playthroughs
The coin counter in the casino takes quite some time to count up (would be good to increase the speed for higher payouts)
Fii appears as a boss in the endless mode of the dungeon whilst in party (and ignores her ability to pacify fairies) (If not too difficult it might be nice to take her out of the pool whilst in your party)
A way to cross reference Item sources in the item catalogue (like dropped form ???; found in chests) so you don't have to look through the entire monster manual to look for the item (and possibly not find it because you got it from a mimic)
Also, might I bother you with changing my name in the credits form "Kevin" to "Kevin Kummerer" to match the other occurrence under "patreon supporters"
Reference post from Feedback