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A member registered Mar 09, 2020

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You can leave the endless dungeon by fleeing from battle.

Though I've heard you'll be able to leave through the southern teleporter in a future version.

2.Strange characters

As for the kanji you'd expect:
Would 神社 be a valid option,
or would it be better to replace the gate with a 鳥居 (torii), instead of what seems to be a pailou/paifang (Chinese, if I recall correctly) in the game?
From what I've seen, torii usually don't feature writing. How would you visually describe real world examples?

(1 edit)

The plugin is just about finished.

The only thing I really need to add now is some sort of license.
(so now is the time to voice personal preferences, the license will mostly be for making sure we can't sue each other
[example: I could force you to remove the plugin in the final version because I am the sole copyright holder
                       or you could sue me because the plugin breaks the game, etc])
more info to licenses [no license]

Also, how would you like to receive the plugin?
I could send you my contact-info over a Patreon-pm (also useful in case I missed a bug, you need help setting it up or if you are interested in another mini-game) (makes discussions about the license easy (if required))

If you want I could upload the plugin on Github or something.
The only thing that's really missing is a solver for the expectancy, however I have a python script that can calculate the probabilities in advance.
I also plan on adding a window that displays the amount of coins one has in the upper left corner

I am so close to figuring out a way to increase the speed with which coins count up in the slot machine
(so close in fact, that the counting isn't even the problem anymore)
[this was a somewhat fun side-project for me, other features include adding dummies to the sides]

> Sea Monster Item
    Thanks for the info, for some reason I missed to check the warehouse after defeating the boss

> Name in the credits
   Don't worry about it, after all I did only give you my first name

> Rabbit Ending
   That was indeed the problem, good to know

> Other Bug
   The fairy bud in the southwestern area (above the farm, reachable from the broken bridge)
   checks for Alraune not Butterfly

I finally got time to play the new version, and this time I made some notes while playing

I have marked important reports with an "!" at the start of the line
Also I should note that I played on hard again.

First off the Rabbit Quest
Dialogue when entering the boss room: "Did the plant.. just screamed!?" grammatically wrong
Also for me the carrots for the bad end vanished somewhere along my play through

Salamander Quest

Torches state to get the relic before activating the Warp-Stone Flag

Enemies respawn during the clearing of the ruins (Defeating every "flame" once works to progress through)

Salamander Form
Guarding seems to fill the heat gauge (completely). 

Casino Night Quest
You can turn the quest in at night, however it will be day after leaving the building (or being thrown out, didn't note that down)

Angle Quest
You can start this Quest at night, this however will lead to a visual bug (where it is a mixture between night and day)
! This quest also doesn't seem to restore the Skill Potions/ Exp Shards after completion

! Sea Monster Quest
When I played it the red pillars were up when I entered (making it impossible to proceed in any way)
This however was bypassed through another bug I used
  => I went to the farm and activated the red switch, then used a Feather to warp to the Mermaid Tower, keeping the switch-status so I could pass
Also when approaching the bubbles the human picture is shown stating that the lower floors are flooded despite being in Sea-Monster form

Typos / Grammar
The book informing you about the world fragments (north of the starting area)
    "I know you too don't wanted to resort to this"
    "I will leave the this continent..."
Buying the Fairy Seed at the butterfly demon
    "... I definitely can't tell it to you."

Wolf Quest
The fairies during the campfire sequence might still be a little to strong. I got one-cycled multiple times and there isn't an opportunity to level up prior.
The second phase of the fairy boss-fight might need a little nerf too since I grinded XP for 1.5h to finally be able to beat it (might be easier if one has high-level other forms)

Wolf Demon
The demon is of the same type as damage of the wolf form, effectively resulting in a fight like the one warned off before the Kraken (Sea Monster Quest)

Egg Problem
Nothing wrong with it, I'd just recommend a boss bar
I'd also recommend lvl 40+ with special item and demon defeated

Red/Blue Puzzle (Angel Gate) north of town doesn't shine when completed
The sign in the dungeon where you meet Firena (the dragon) still states that there is no World Fragment there in the demo
The door to the Phone/Credits room still opens with 0.2.xx requirements (not needing the new forms)

When you speak with Mekia after the Sea Monster Quest shell join the party despite already having 2 companions. (she won't participate in fights but still gain xp)

Not bugs
Butterfly and Sea Monster item(s) can't be found yet
Dog Shampoo hard to find (might need to teach players that items can be in containers that aren't highlighted)
Skipping the town tour would be nice for repeated playthroughs
The coin counter in the casino takes quite some time to count up (would be good to increase the speed for higher payouts)
Fii appears as a boss in the endless mode of the dungeon whilst in party (and ignores her ability to pacify fairies) (If not too difficult it might be nice to take her out of the pool whilst in your party)

A way to cross reference Item sources in the item catalogue (like dropped form ???; found in chests) so you don't have to look through the entire monster manual to look for the item (and possibly not find it because you got it from a mimic)

Also, might I bother you with changing my name in the credits form "Kevin" to "Kevin Kummerer" to match the other occurrence under "patreon supporters"
Reference post from Feedback

I'm really looking forward to gathering all those Cards and trying out the new forms.
I'll certainly check out the Patreon if/when it gets up.
Good luck with further development.

(1 edit)

Don't worry, I already suspected English might not be your first language. It isn't mine either.
However, you might want to change the conversation with the king (Kitsune tf) from saying "carmine" to "chimney".
(I actually had to look that one up because I thought carmine was just a fancy word for it [like the German word Kamin or the Italian version])
carmine refers to a red pigment.

As for the mimics I'm not really sure either since I neither have a way to tell what they drop, nor know what to use these resources for.

For release schedule I'm sad to tell you that my answer is naturally biased and likely won't help you much XD

However I think RPG-Maker MV is git-compatible (git is a version control system, works best if the files are stored as plaintext [json (the maps are saved as json), js (plugins are saved as js] ), which would make it rather easy to make another branch and remove unused Maps and variables for beta-releases (and also to revert changes if you don't like them)

If you were to open a Patreon or something similar I'm sure you were able to gather some funds for the game and granting them access to the new version before non-backers is a system a lot of people use.
Periodically releasing version is also great way to receive some player feedback.
Through in the end you have to choose whatever suits you best.

If you want to try git and need help I'd be happy to assist (through it might be less easy to understand in a itch-comment)
I can also try myself at some JavaScript, through I'm more used to other languages.

Good luck with your plans.

I'd be fine just being listed as "Kevin"
Thank you a lot for including me in the credits.

I think most of the bosses are already strong enough, at least in the current version.
You said rabbit counts more as a half-boss, so there shouldn't be any problem with it being on the weaker side.
I'll take another look at the demon once I'm back at that point of the story.

As for the "fourth tail" I'm not quite sure what to do either, through  I'd assume you'll just die to the next normal attack if you use it (if you don't have any healing items at least)
However I think a bigger problem is that most people won't be able to use it at all, since at the halfway-point of the battle most won't have 90% of HP left (and usually cant heal that much after the ultimate indicator is already shown).
Furthermore, if one still has over 90% of HP left at the 50% mark I doubt they'll need the ability that much.
It is also quite inferior to the "first tail", which only uses 50% and revives one instead (which is a lot better if the boss only hits once)

All in all it is a lot harder to activate than another skill which can save one from more (meaning not only ultimate) attacks (and the effect of "first tail" persists if one were to survive the attack) and leaves one very defenceless if one doesn't bring some good healing potions. (
I think the key-problem is that the skill is very hard to use since you have to get to 90+% of HP before triggering the ultimate so you can use the skill.
Maybe replace the dodge with strong defence and require an amount of currentHP% to lower the requirements to use the skill during combat.

Also I tried Salamander again and think it could use a single-target attack that doesn't consume "ignition" stacks.
All its attack skills (except "Tail Whip" and the basic attack action) use at least 2 stacks which can make it a little bit annoying to gather stacks for "Multi Fire Shoot" (Might be a typo, through shoot is a noun that can refer to an occasion when a group of people hunt and shoot game for sport)

Another thing, through I think there isn't much that can be done in rpg-maker, is that one can't attack a mimic again after fleeing from it (which one might want to do for the ones where no sign is provided).

I'll certainly test the changes and leave another comment once I get my hands on a version where they are implemented.
Naturally I'll also comment on other things I deem noteworthy (exploits and abilities where you usually have better option to choose from)
If there is any other way to help you with the game I'd be happy to assist.

I think most of the fights were alright.
The boss-fight for the rabbit quest was defeated easily enough (I think around 5 turns, without acquiring enough points for the ultimate)
    Whilst this was done on NG+ with 400% XP  it wasn't much more difficult on my first run.
   I also didn't have to use the water-ability. (or better: the bosfight  would likely have lasted longer if I did)
The Fairy-Boss was rather difficult, through likely because I mostly ran into larger groups which made leveling up hard.
    This should get easier with the change in encounter size you mentioned through, so I can't really say how bad will be with those changes                implemented.
As for the Manticore Boss, it should definitely be doable with decreased group sizes, as long as you're able to get past the robots of course.
The Slime boss was a little bit difficult. Nothing a few more levels shouldn't have helped with but I defeated the ones reachable before getting        the tf. I'll test defeating it with a bit more xp on my NG+ and see how that works out. Depending on the result I'd recommend adding a few           more enemies (for this region I don't think reducing group sizes is necessary since the encounters weren't that hard)
I can't say anything about the demon boss (after which Serina joined the party) so it was probably not that much of a challenge.
However, the most problems I had were with the swarm of enemies once you try leaving the forest.
     (I know very well you're not supposed to beat them)
     It took me level 60 and quite some luck to get through them alive.
The wave defence (Kitsune TF) however was quite easy if I remember correctly, through that was due to having teammates with me.

I think the most important takeaway from my experience with the bosses is that they are disproportionately easier if you bring teammates.

In summary I can't say that much about the Fairy and Manticore fights since those will likely get a lot more manageable with a smaller chance to get attacked by larger groups.
The slime fight should be alright, through I'd prefer some more enemies to get XP before the fight
And lastly the swarm at the end of the tutorial hits like a truck. It's quite hard to survive a few rounds (probably as intended)

Finally, as I read through the skills today I rediscovered the "Fourth Tail". I probably didn't use it (not even once) since 90% of MaxHP is quite a steep price to dodge an attack that is usually cast at the half point mark of the battle (Through I didn't really have any problems with boss-ultimates anyway, especially for bosses one can bring a teammate).

If other questions arise or you want me to test something I'd be happy to offer my assistance once again.
Also let me know if I forgot some bossfights (not counting the demons for form-improvement, they were rather trivial if one brought teammates)

I also used the hints for the Kitsune-tf (likely easier to find when there is a reason to go exploring after meeting the elf. Maybe have him dispel a force-field in a main-story event as a hint)
and the cat-tf (as I mentioned I didn't really sleep so this would've been hard to find, my fault through)
As you might be able to imagine I explored the map quite thoroughly in my 20+ hours. (I think i spent around 29 hour on the first play-through, more considering the game doesn't count reloads to that time) so I found a lot of the areas easily enough.

Since you mentioned the forest home, I actually went right to it after getting the key. I found the door during the tutorial and figured that'd be the only place to use a key in the forest.

As for the support feature, I didn't use it at all.
In my opinion most of the time it is actually a bad idea to use all skills at once.
For example: In human form you have 2 abilities that grant you "dodge all" for 1 turn. Since the system would use both in the first turn you'd waste 1 turn of invincibility. Same for the mouse form where you can delay casting defensive abilities by 1 turn if you use "dodge all" as your first move.
Altogether it just seemed to waste valuable resources (after all 1 turn of invincibility is worth a lot if some of the enemies can one-shot you)

I also remembered one detail that might be a bug:
If I recall correctly Serina reacted differently depending on how you bypassed the puzzles in the first dungeon, however I don't think she commented on rolling the boulders (I did it in human form), instead commenting on the digging ability.
Might just be me having done something wrong through.
Anyway, nice detail.

Whilst starting the game again (to get names right and see what hints I used) I actually found some other stuff:
The description of the "Hand Pistol" is "Effect:"
And whilst the "wooden dagger" has a description bow, axe, spear and sword do not

When exiting the secret shop in the north it displays the area as daytime. Going to another area switches back to the correct time (night time)

I also remembered there is a magic-system for the human form.  
I think weakening the inherited skills will have the the positive effect on making it more relevant.
Whilst it doesn't seem to end the turn it easily got overshadowed by the much stronger inherited skills.

If any other questions arise feel free to ask, I'm happy to help in any way I can.
As for me, I'll start figuring out how to break the game some more. (probably later this week)

First off, you indeed mentioned "Draconic Strike" being able to hit multiple enemies.
I was talking about the inherited version,  which does state that it hits 1 enemy.

Second, I was indeed talking about the 75hp herbs.

Also I indeed read the sign first telling me it wasn't an ordinary chest.  Through I went back and fought them as soon as Serina joined the team for a short while.

As for your other  questions:
>Did you encounter any Gold Slimes?
     There are gold Slimes?

>Were there some areas/quests where you didn't really understood what you needed to do?
    Not that I could mention, although this might be due to me having played games where navigating the objectives was way more callenging

>I assume the Robot was the hardest/most annoying enemy if you had to choose one?
Indeed, through mostly due to bad luck with often getting larger groups.
Also I just obliterated most groups out of form-aquisation-quests by using the same combo, so I can't really judge them.
However I can certainly share my experiences after finishing my next play-through

> Did you found the secret shop in town that lets you change your playstyle?
I did, however I can't remember where I got the card from, nor did I use it.

>Did you encounter any bugs or glitches?
'sadly' I didn't, I will however keep an eye open.

>Which form did you enjoyed the most to use?
Salamander. I also enjoyed Manticore quite a lot (through mostly because I like the concept of it in the lore)
Following are my impressions of the forms currently in the game:
I really enjoyed the salamander form.
   The abilities were fun to use and felt useful and stayed relevant even throughout later stages of my play-through.
I also quite enjoyed the mouse play style.
The concept of the cat transformation was also nice, through I didn't really get to utilise the kit since, despite playing on hard, most fights didn't really last that long (normal encounters 1-2  turns)
I also saw a lot of potential in the squirrel, through I didn't really use it since I could just inherit the skills I wanted to use.
The Golden Retriever I didn't use at all since it took me way to long to find the item (I was in the correct room quite often but didn't realise I could interact with the object to get it until the hint told me there was something hidden in that room) and when I unlocked the transformation it already was quite obsolete for me.
The fox form stayed relevant for me mostly for the "High Alert" action and solid stack actions
I really wanted to like the slime-tf but just couldn't find a use for it (besides the field ability)
I did like the concept of the manticore. The attacks felt solid and the lifesteal was a nice ability.
    However I was a little bit sad I wasn't able to get a bad end by continuing the tests on day 2.
I honestly can't say much about the rabbit since I didn't use it that much.  The quest was alright but it just moved to the background for me.
As for the Kitsune I cant say anything either since it was the last transformation anyway, so I didn't really use it before ng+. The shortening of the tf-ability cooldown was nice through.
I also didn't get much use out of the wolf since I didn't use the sleep function until I had a quest that required it to be night (through that is entirely my fault)
I also haven't gotten around to try the aquatic one and will probably wait for the mission to be added before I do.

As for improvements I'd suggest mentioning that one can craft potions in the magic-store once one talks with the store-owner for the first time. It took me way to long to figure that out on (I think about 20h of playtime)  (that's mostly on me through, in hindsight the red exclamation mark is rather obvious)

I will certainly  keep my eyes open for anything noteworthy whilst playing.
I'd be happy to write another reply if I find anything else of note.
If any other questions arise feel free to reply, I'd be glad to be of assistance.

First off, Phantasmagoria. It was a ride.
Whilst I overall really liked the game there were quite a few things that broke balancing quite a lot. 

First off, some of the quests to acquire new forms were quite hard, probably due to chosen difficulty, however:
You start on lvl 1 for each form you acquire. This is not the issue.
The Problem is that, at least on hard (I haven't tested on others), you can only really defeat groups of 1 enemy at a time.
2 is a really hard time if you're prepared and 3 is nearly impossible.
This made defeating the bosses for that transformation quite difficult for some forms.
The ones I had the most problems with were:
    The wolf boss and survival challenge (Through you can simply run away during the survival challenge but might as well fight when you can easily heal)
    And the Manticore level (The robots are a tough fight even if they are alone. I'm sure I got one-cycled by them more than once)
A possible fix would be reducing the chance for multiple enemies to appear during Form-Acquisition.
You could also look at the sewer-quest, which was quite alright, even through the boss took a few tries.

On the other hand there are some attack combos that made it trivial to steamroll most enemy groups in human form:
   Acquire Mouse and Salamander
   Learn "Grazeful Vulpine Movement"(Fox) (damage all), "High Alert"(Fox)(evade all),
                 "Can't catch me!"(mouse)(evade all)
                 "Draconic Strike"(probalby bugged, I think it casts a hit all attack as well)(salamander)
                 "Dragon Vein"(salamander) (attack up)
    Cast "Dragon Vein", "High Alert", "Draconic Strike" and weapon damage skill of your choice
Most enemies will be dead or close to it by now.
You still have "Can't catch me!", "Grazeful Vulpine Movement" and probably a high damage single target spell to finish off most encounters on hard without even taking a single point of damage.
In the worst case Scenario you can then transform into fox and get another round without damage and another hit-all attack. 

Salamander can easily be acquired by engaging an enemy in the desert, casting "Spiritual Boarder"(doesn't use turn) and\or "climax" (skips enemy turn if I recall correctly), then running away.
Once I acquired the form the fights were quite easy (as mentioned above I played on hard, I think they were balanced quite alright if you don't compare them to the PAIN of the other encounters [I am looking at you manticore]).
Overall this makes getting a rather good form (at least in my opinion) easier than it was likely intended to be.
Sadly I don't think there is much one could do to prevent this. Maybe making one walk a little bit slower so you can't keep your HP topped up as easily on lower levels (since it takes you longer to reach them) or adding something that makes desert exploration harder until a perquisite like another form or item are acquired

"Phantasm Barrier" can also easily be abused against enemies that hit only once (since you can just spam "Herbs", which are quite abundant, until a good healing option like "climax" is off cool-down.  Early game this isn't a problem since "Herbs" are still somewhat limited, but later you have more than enough of them.
A fix you could try is setting the activation threshold to 15% of maxHp or something. (Still plenty against strong hits, but you can't keep blocking attacks whilst waiting for your skills to go off cool-down)

Finally the fights to upgrade the forms were way easier than acquiring them, partially due to having a full team with you.

All in all a fun game I enjoined quite a lot (through getting one-hitted on hard all the time was somewhat frustrating). I quite enjoyed the endings in the demo (I've found Fox, Kitsune, Rabbit, Mouse and Golden retriever, through Fox took me way too long considering I found Kitsune quite quickly and way earlier).
The artwork was decent as well, so I am quite looking forward to the next version.
I am currently playing through the game again (for some reason on hard, again, through I am planning on doing a normal run afterwards to see how well that is balanced [hard usually isn't the main focus of balancing after all]) and would be happy to give some more insights into my experiences if I find something else noteworthy. I'm also happy to answer further questions about the feeling of certain encounter (like mimics without signs. They're tough on hard) or other topics related to the experience.
Best of luck with further development efforts.

Day 2: Let Dave have a go.

Had to look it up in the code, the flag isn't marked in the Walktrough.