see cute slime
you are right, makes no sense to make a hard slime 🦧 it should be flattened at the bottom
some people even make them goopy at the bottom:
i like the slimes that look like that too
hey will you be looking at the lospec jam thats coming up? i think theyre going to announce restrictions today, and submitting art is possible. i think i’ll see what the resrtictions are and decide whether i want to submit something.
though i still have 3 asset packs that im working on at the same time so maybe starting another is a bad idea? 🐵
I've just known about this jam from you. I read rules and it seems that I won't do anything. Why? Just art must be submitted to discord. I also don't understand difference between "animation" and "standalone artwork" but to ask I need to use discord... I think I can try to do another parallax background for specified resolution, hope it will be better than the mountains
Game making (and it seems that assets creation too) isn't really for me. I enjoy it but can't imagine what to do or just dont want to do something... Jams page say that I joined 37 jams. And submitted to 8 but half of them my own pixel art asset pack jam so.... Most likely it will be one more joined and forgotten jam
3 packs? I don't know. I usually have 0 and I've never worked on 2 packs at the same time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ah i didnt notice art needs to be put on discord… i think i will pass too then. its weird, why not just submit art as assets on itch? maybe they want to keep submissions on itch exclusive to games
hmm i wonder about what you wrote. it seems to me that you are quite interested in pixel art and game dev. if its a hobby you dont always have to work on a project. i take long break from making pixel art as well sometimes, its not work, i can take a break whenever i want.
i used to be really passionate about art and then i took a break from drawing for a few years. now i do pixel art and draw only sometimes to design something for an asset pack. i still enjoy art but i dont have to always to it. its a hobby
hey its cool you made something for the lospec jam even though you didnt submit it. i didnt take part for the same reasons that you brought up earlier, but i do think the palette wasnt bad. i saw some of the games submitted to the jam. i think with a palette like this it would be nice if someone made a retro style rpg, though it might not be enough time
also cool you made a platformer pack, im still thinking of making one. i have some ideas but i havent started it yet. maybe im kind of anxious of starting it.
Yeah pallete wasn't bad but 16 colors is too restrictive for me and there was 8 pairs of colors without intermediate so it was a bit of a challenge for me
Honestly, as I said earlier I also didn't plan to make art but I decided to try to create a game. But game needs assets so I started drawing. I usually don't finish everything I start so I ended up with unfinished asset pack instead of a game prototype... I've just thought, I've finished only 3 packs: rocks, bushes and jewelries 🤔 And none finished games
Anyway it seems to me that I spent all the passion that I had at that moment for drawing banner for pixel asset pack jam so I stopped drawing this pack and even didn't start drawing any portraits even though I had two weeks. So it seems to me I see a pattern if jam has a great banner, I more likely won't participate in it by itself.
yeah i get it, i am usually the same way
if i start working on something i usually have to finish it quickly, otherwise i get bored and probably wont finish it. i have some asset packs i started a while ago and i probably wont finish them
i think thats fine
it was the same for me when i was doing games or art before that. when i finish something quickly and release it, i feel ok not doing that for a while. when i cant finish it quickly i leave it and move on. i might use it for something else later, or i might never use it.
anyhow i think this is super important to try to learn how to let go of stuff you cant finish and not regret leaving it. also important to try to learn to give yourself breaks without feelong like you’re being “lazy”.
this is better than trying to finish everything and work constantly bc then you burn yourself out and might end up giving up on something you like doing for that reason