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I do love me some great interface in IF, it makes up for half of the fun of playing.

Still, I would like to have some tangible indication of how my choices in dialogue affect the relationship.  I normally have hard time deciphering what certain face expressions mean, and it reflects in games too. 

With number values I could always double check if my choices unwittingly didn't cause damage. With moods only changing at certain thresholds, it will be more challenging.

Would making the number values become optio ally visible be possible? Or perhaps, optional in-game notifications of approval change, like it is done in Wayfarer?

Even still, this update feels like a change for the better. It makes the relations feel more natural.

Thank you for your continuous work on this great game. I enjoy it greatly.


Thank you for your feedback!

I'm actually considering adding an option to make relationship impact visibility customizable at the start of the game. Players would be able to choose from:

  • Percentage Bar — As it is currently.
  • Gradual Text Updates — Replaces the percentage bar. Changes text after reaching certain point thresholds.
  • None — For those who prefer a more intuitive experience.

I hope these options will accommodate various preferences. I think I'll be keeping the 'thoughts and moods' separate from this, however.


That sounds very reasonable, thank you for taking my opinion under consideration.