It was easy to understand what to do. But I have difficulties to understand the mechanic: How do I generate food? I have build food storages, but still sometimes food dropped low and I did not know what to do about it. I build a lot of stuff and explored 3 biomes but I did not manage to reach 50 population. Maximum was actually 49 :).
In the end my food dropped to -20 (sic!) and my population to 0. I did not understand why. I had a lot of houses, storages and wells.
I found some issues:
- food can drop below 0
- zooming works, but it would be nicer if the zoom direction would be in the view direction
- build/terraform buttons are not really necessary, I would rather have both menus open all the time anyway
- when clicking on buttons, the click goes through to the tile underneath so both actions are triggered
Overall I like the look and feel. For a first prototype really nice!