Played for maybe 15 Minutes.
When you first turn the Camera on the Ground to zoom in, and then up so its above the Head, there's a static Delay before it moves back out to its original Distance. Feels odd.
So does the Idle Animation of the Player. Or the Walk, the whole Playermodel really.
Why is the Witch flat Shaded, like the Trees, but the Rest isn't. The Artstyle overall looks inconsistent.
Got Stuck in the Scarecrow somehow.
Thanks to Web, Application.Quit doesn't do much apart from freezing the Game.
Controls are Wonky, and I don't like the Artstyle, it feels lazy.
Other then that, its obviously very short, but I could see it being expanded into a full 3D Platformer about a Witch having to collect various Spirits for her Godmother. Needs more precise Controls, and a complete graphical Overhaul tho.