>What Tank would you have liked
I'd say a StuG, but obviously that'll bring Problems with the rotating Turret. It is cute tho.
Since you're aiming not for historic accuracy, but arcad-y-ness, I think it's important to have the Tank be immediately readably as a Tank, altho that's implied by the Game itself I guess, but to make it clearly distinct from Trucks, or other Vehicles from a Distance, Players won't likely have the Time or will to learn all the ins and outs of different looking Tanks in an Arcade Game, so you should focus on oversizing and highlighting important Parts.
Tank has extra Armor equipped? Make it massive extra Plates. Tank has a bigger Caliber, or otherwise special Cannon? Extra Barrels, really big Calibers, weird Turret Shapes etc.
As a Base, I think maybe a Pzkpfw 4. would be a better fit to take inspiration from, for a more standard/default Tank. The Aesthetics of the bigger Turret compared to the Chassis is more pleasing then the big empty Top of i.e. the Crusader I think, and then you have a bigger Gun aswell, giving a more direct indicator on equipment Option. Also at least to me, it looks more like the stereotypical Tank then a Crusader. Keep other inspirations, like the Crusader for when you need to deviate from a "stock" Tank to display something important. Maybe you want a Tank with a really big fuel Tank on the Back so its a clear Target to blow up in order to burn a field or something? Then a Crusader might be a good fit as a Base, with a big Barrel on the empty Area at the Back.