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(1 edit) (+1)

I like the setting and the story a lot, a magician in a magic-free world. I probably missed something but is there any actual use to the mana potions and the food? The protag said his Mana was going down but in the menu it looked like it was full. I still used it but I was unsure if they changed anything. I'm usually not a fan of sudden deaths by exploration, but you did warn us to save often so it wasn't nearly as much of a hassle as it could've been. Unfortunately I got stuck at the statue in the snow biome as well.

EDIT: I've watched the google drive video of the ending and now I'm sad it didn't work in the final version. Really cool game, would love to see more!

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the game. I'm going to upload a version with the ending working properly after the jam. I'd like to say I'll also have the mana potions incorporated in that version, but I've done enough jams to know there is a good chance I won't have all the features I missed implemented in that timeframe. I did mention in the intro mana and food were not properly implemented, but that might have gone by.

The original intent was that a key mechanic would be Toru needs to keep his energy/food and magic levels high enough they won't deplete overnight, hence why the game starts with Toru needing to fetch food and mana. Near the end of the jam, I thought I would just focus on mana, but even that got kicked out due to time constraints. That's why the whole losing mana over time plot point became reduced to Toru feeling drained and saying he needed a potion the next morning. I'd also wanted Toru to camp in the cave so you'd have to survive two nights.