Really nice done! I love the audio and especially the visuals. The gameplay was really interesting but I found some of the mini-games to be just a bit too challenging, especially since you had to restart every time from the beginning. I also didn't love that you had to replay the same first minigame every time (color matching), which felt far too punishing and random as I'd often have to sit there for many cycles waiting for the color to match and then having seemingly less than a second to hit it with no grace period. Memorizing 10 numbers quickly is also really challenging, as most humans can only memorize about 7 on average
I think if the games were either a little easier or you didn't have to replay them all from the start I would've had more fun and been able to see everything. But I really enjoyed what I was able to play and the overall concept is great! It's super cohesive between theme, visuals, audio, and gameplay. Great job!