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A member registered Jun 04, 2017 · View creator page →

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Interesting concept but I didn't understand the gameplay, even after reading the how to. It seemed like my objective was to plant the crops and then just stand next to them, which didn't feel fun. The eagles seemed like enemies but weren't damaging me or the pigs even after trying to bump into them a bunch.

I really like the idea and the graphics are lovely.

I LOVE this game! The fact that the main character is an adorable bird definitely helps a lot but I also really love the overall presentation/animations. Even the level select and intro/outros are great. Normally I don't enjoy platformers but I managed to beat all 6 levels and had a great time doing it. Nice work!

Cool concept. I had fun beating it and I really liked the ending! The spotlight avoidance felt way too easy. I'd often just run past without even needing to hide under tables. I also wish the lockpicking had a reason to be done quickly, but since you were safe speed really wasn't key in those moments.

Nice entry!

Really interesting concept and use of the limitation. It often felt quite random when I would die or not since there was no indication of what the enemies would do. My only objective was to stay far away from them but often I'd need to walk past them and just hope RNG was with me. I also wish there were sound effects.

Overall this was a really cool idea and the levels were fun to complete

Super cool concept! I love the use of cards to decide your actions and the choices that come with that. Great visuals and audio as well (especially when a bullet bounces off your shield)

The controls took me awhile to understand and often I was confused why I couldn't teleport (must've barely been hitting a wall). Overall I had fun and managed to finish. I really liked the SFX and the concept is very neat!

Really well done! Great visuals, bumping sound track. It feels like there's a lot of room for skill expression which is neat, tho I found it difficult to get a hang of the controls/momentum. Sometimes when I tried to go up ramps I'd collide instead of moving up the wall which was unfortunate. There were also a few times where the ghost was chasing me (out of light) and I managed to dodge him and hit a light switch but nothing happened. I would've felt really cool saving myself in those moments but it seems like once you're out of time you might as well give up.

Overall I loved it. The time + ghost pressure had me sweating and the mechanics made moving around super fun.

Really well done! Super simple concept that's executed well. It has a nice amount of challenge as well. For awhile I was just dashing constantly until I understood that I could gain more health by waiting. But then when I tested saving up lots of health and taking hits I was still dying very quickly so it feels like constantly dashing was the better strat to me and I should ignore gaining more health.

I really love the art style and use of color! Overall a great jam entry!

Ah yeah I play on a 16:10 monitor so that's probably why it's different for me. Most people use 16:9 but there's a decent percent of laptops out there that are 16:10 so it's good to make sure you support that as well. Most game engines let you choose your resolution in editor so I always check both those aspects and make sure the UI scales properly.

I loved the audio and special object implementation. The gameplay was fun but felt a little slow to me. The upgrades also didn't feel relevant to me.

Cool theme and concept. It didn't feel like much of a game to me since I could never make any meaningful choices (from what I could tell). It seemed like I randomly choose an unknown card and then find out what happens. It would've been nice if I could have some impact on the story, maybe that would've encouraged me to play again after getting the bad ending.

Audio and visuals are great! Gameplay was simple and fun. Only thing that confused me was the purpose of the SD cards. Nothing seems to happen when I picked them up. The text in the bottom left seems to imply I could change weapons but I never figured out how.

This is one of the best implementations of the theme I've seen so far! The gameplay is super juicy and fun. I would've loved to see the game ramp up in difficulty much quicker. After 12 waves it felt like I could keep winning easily for the next 12 so I just stopped playing.

Really great work. The gameplay shines on this one!

Really neat game and a great use of the theme. I found the controls very unintuitive since I had to aim away from the enemies I wanted to shoot at. It also took me awhile to figure out how to play without any tutorial or instructions. Overall, really nice work!

It is a game and there is a card.

The ability is super unique and well executed. My only wish was that there was more of a reason to use it. Aside from the level where you need to reverse the enemy and ride them up, I didn't have to use the ability at all. 

Nicely done! It works really well (for someone that knows euchre at least) and looks solid. I wish there was more to it than just playing euchre, tho. I also found the font difficult to read.

Really cool concept. I felt like it was taking way too long to chip away at the boss' health but maybe I didn't figure out the best combos yet. The visuals are great but I was really missing some visual feedback when you take damage.

I found it quite difficult to see which cards I was picking up, especially since fullscreening the game cut off both health bars.

Overall this was a great concept and great use of theme!

Great use of the theme and a nice amount of challenge. I really enjoyed the musicality of the sound effects! 

Probably my favorite game so far. The art style is nice and minimal along with the mechanics. Moving around and avoiding so many lines of sight while simultaneously entering combos made for a super engaging, fun game. The only complaint I could have is that towards the top of the screen you can't see what combos need to be entered. Really excellent entry!

Really great representation of the theme! It's super simple with upgrades that encourage emergent gameplay and trying different combinations. I especially loved making a super long fish.

There were a few things that felt frustrating to me. First, it kinda sucked that without any Lung upgrades you lose about half your lungs before even leaving the fish tank. Anytime there was an obstacle felt really frustrating since it was random whether they were there or not. It got to the point where I would basically just stop playing if I hit an obstacle that I couldn't overcome quickly since next time I'd likely not have to deal with the obstacle. I would've preferred them to always be there or always not be there. Lastly, of course I would've loved a win screen.

I also wished there was some music! The art was really charming, especially with the different backgrounds. The way the fish grew and changed based on your choices was super cool. This is a really cool game. Fantastic work :)

Neat idea. I really disliked how the enemy's cards tracked me, making dodging super difficult and tedious. I also felt a bit confused that it seemed there was no way to control which cards I could throw (seemed to always be the weak Spades), maybe I missed something.

The soundtrack was banging and I had a fun time. Nice work!

This game is incredible! A friend just walked by and was surprised asked what I was playing and was surprised to hear it was a jam game.

This game honestly should be polished, expanded just a bit and fully released. It's a super simple mechanic with pleasing visuals and audio. 

My only gripe is that the difficulty needs to ramp up waaaaaaay quicker. It's really fun to create "broken" builds where you can harvest half the screen at a time, but it meant I was hitting the quota in one click for 10+ rounds in a row until I just decided to stop playing. I feel like this game would be more compelling if you're likely to lose after 10ish rounds and are therefore encouraged to try again with a different strat to see if you can beat your high score.

Love the visuals and use of lighting to reveal the area! I found it a bit difficult to control with mouse (as opposed to arrow keys) so I wasn't able to win. The fact that I had to restart each time I died was a little frustrating, but perhaps that's a skill issue. This is a really cool concept!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks this is excellent feedback! We completely agree that it's a bit too hard and far too punishing to lose all progress on defeat. I'm super happy to hear the high stakes made it more intense for you and that you were able to beat it! Thanks for playing and the great feedback :)

Ahhh I see now the intersecting circles should've made it clear. The arrows, however, still seems incorrect. To me it seems like the lower right arrow is pointing NorthWest and the upper arrow is pointing SouthWest. Meanwhile based on the circles it seems the probe is located directly North of the lower right arrow, which neither of the arrows is pointing to.

Really addictive gameplay! My only complaint is that I would've liked to see it ramp up a bit quicker as I got to 50,000 and stopped playing because it felt like I could go infinitely just holding down the mouse button and pointing at whoever got in my way. I really appreciated the warning indicators for the bombs and there was great feedback for being hit and shooting down enemies. Nice job!

This is super polished! The art and audio is fantastic. I like how the gameplay encourages avoiding twigs while running with an item but stepping on one never feels too punishing. I found juggling William and the item a little bit tedious since the anxiety timer runs out really quickly.

Overall great work and the story is charming. The only nitpick is I found it weird the balloon behaved like a ball.

Really fun game! It feels very complete from the visuals to the audio to the mechanics. I really wish I could control my movement while gliding with the balloon since that caused me to miss a few jumps. I also wish there were more checkpoints, but I'm not great at high skill platforming games like this. Overall really fun and it looks great!

(1 edit)

I was really intrigued by the concept of this game and I think with a bit more feedback and tutorialization I would love it. I feel like the indicators are either wrong or I'm misunderstanding how to play the game. From the below screenshot I guessed the two spots marked with Xs, which appear to be the only possible locations based on the two directional devices I put down.

I really wanted to like this game but I failed to understand the basic mechanics after 4 tries so I ended up giving up. The concept is super interesting to me, I feel it just needs a little bit more clarity on how to interpret the device indicators. 

Overall I think it's a cool concept and the audio and visuals are solid.

Really nice done! I love the audio and especially the visuals. The gameplay was really interesting but I found some of the mini-games to be just a bit too challenging, especially since you had to restart every time from the beginning. I also didn't love that you had to replay the same first minigame every time (color matching), which felt far too punishing and random as I'd often have to sit there for many cycles waiting for the color to match and then having seemingly less than a second to hit it with no grace period. Memorizing 10 numbers quickly is also really challenging, as most humans can only memorize about 7 on average

I think if the games were either a little easier or you didn't have to replay them all from the start I would've had more fun and been able to see everything. But I really enjoyed what I was able to play and the overall concept is great! It's super cohesive between theme, visuals, audio, and gameplay. Great job!

I LOVED the sketch-like visuals, especially the characters and animations. The walk cycle and rolling animation are super charming. I didn't love how much I had to walk in the game. It became much more interesting once I made it to the green bug and started finding balloons. Then I walked into the rose which teleported me into an area that I walked around aimlessly for several minutes without finding any balloon or indication of anything helpful. The text there told me to follow the black line to return so I walked to the left down a couple different hallways but they just lead to invisible walls so I gave up.

The art style and music are super charming and I feel like this would've been a much more pleasant experience if the level was much tinier so I didn't spend so much time walking around aimlessly. I would've really liked to see one area that was densely packed with the nice vegetation assets, characters, and collectibles so I felt more compelled to complete the game.

Overall I really liked playing because of how dang cute the main character is. Nice work!

Character is very cute and the audio is pleasant. I found the movement a little too friction-y since I would occasionally get stuck on ladders and fall through leaves without intentionally dropping (unless that was intentional, in which case I'm unsure why sometimes I can walk over them).

I enjoyed finding the balloons and rescuing them but I wish there was some type of indication where they are because it was a little tedious exploring the entire map to find them.

Overall I love the main character and his balloon friends!

Really impressive! The visuals and audio are particularly impressive. The UI is cohesive and the SFX make it fun to click around. I wasn't entirely sure what I should be doing to get the right numbers. I don't have a great understanding of math or even what exactly I was trying to calculate, so I think maybe some tips would help a lot.

This is probably the most complete game I've played in this jam, but unfortunately I wasn't able to complete it myself since I didn't know how to math really well. Great work!

I was a bit confused by the gameplay. It took me quite awhile to figure out how to play the game (tapping on the balloon after realizing I could scroll and see a tip). And then it seemed like the goal was to simply tap on a balloon and send it into the black square many times to increase the bar. I would've liked it if I immediately got feedback with the signal bar increasing for each hit, rather than for a group of many hits. I also feel like the balloon should be rising upwards instead of sideways. I really liked the sound effects!

I love the concept of having to find the missing signal. I found it a bit strange that the balloon character jumps instead of floating like you'd expect from a balloon, and there were some instances where the platforming seemed off (not being able jump higher anymore once you start coming down, not being able to jump off of clouds). Overall I enjoyed the experience tho and I liked the audio as well.

The intro had me intrigued. I was a bit disappointed that the gameplay didn't have a satisfying payoff. It felt slow to navigate and I feel like it would've been more fun to move freely (and quickly) rather than being forced to move in steps. I explored the map quite awhile but ended up giving up after hitting several dead ends in a row. I would've liked to see some kind of indication of where to go rather than just having to guess.

I really loved the player's red balloon vehicle asset and as I mentioned I was engaged by the story.

I had a lot of fun! Love the little cutscene to start and before the boss battle. Platforming had a nice amount of challenge. Wish there was more coyote time so I didn't have to jump perfectly. Nice work! 

Really neat concept! The edges of the screen that had invisible walls confused me since I assumed I'd be able to walk into new areas. I was also a bit confused how to remove some of the gates and eventually got to a point where I dropped down and felt stuck so I gave up (near the crashed machinery). I loved the art and story, especially the opening cutscene.