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(1 edit)

I looked at the Seraphine chest but see nothing unusual.

One test to see if you got it multiple times it using the "Magnetic Earth Radar" fox field ability to chekck how many unique items you have in the hidden woods. If you have opened the chest multiple times you should also have more unique items dispalyed, then normally possible.


i use magnetic earth radar and it say that i have 0/2 unique item and just to  be sure i check and all the chest and hidden item where collect. I have a theory why my seraphine duplicate because when i open the chest the first time i was in my normal version but after that i softlock myselt with the bug with the orb so the nest day i has just put my save in a copie of the game where my noclip was activated just to be able to continue and the third time i was back with the normal version so maybe it cause this chest to be close again but what weird is that all the other chest that i open while the noclip was active where not close or maybe it just the chest just bug i one time and was close by itself.

( I also remember that some normal chest that i open where close when i see them in the game so maybe it just a bug with that.)

It certainly is possible that some certain things like chest could behave wierdly with moving saves between diffretn versions but it also just could be a bug.
Luckely it's not game breaking in any capacity since getting a duplicate of that item won't do anything.
Most chests in the game work with a non unique switches to save on memory and since it makes more sense programming wise. Which maybe could be affected by saves, in certain cases.
But a lot of the non unique switches are also used in cutscense and major story events and since they do not repeat, I wouldn't be so sure if it has something to do with it.
For now I will keep an eye on the chests.

But I will continue to look further into it.
Thanks for the information.