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Hey Dapqu,

I definitely agree with your feedback. The interface clipping issue was one we saw but didn't have time to learn how to fix. Enemy health was considered as well, along with a tower level indicator. Having actual stats about the upgrades would have been awesome too. Enemy waves i have seen in others, but we didn't even think to implement it this time. Really it all came down to time which i am gathering is kind of the point for game jams. 

The main take away for us is that we had fun and learned so much so fast that it was definitely worth the investment. This was our teams first game with very little experience between us and we are pretty happy with the result.


Absolutely, the point is to learn and connect with the developers all in the jam, my previous commend might be a bit harsh, hope you and your team didn't take it to heart, I am just to invested in everyone's game lol.