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(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun and silly game! Interesting take on the theme. I like the variety of songs + I like that they're random and you can jump right back in without excessive menuing, it was very easy to play 'just one more' 😊 Perhaps a replay button would be nice if you want to play the same song again?

The art is great, it's like Dicey Dungeons meets South Park lol. I like the random character you get each time, that's very charming.

Controls are nice - never got lost because of the tactile bump on the F key.

I would maybe tone down the fly noise until the exclamation mark appears, it got a bit distracting. (which I know is the point but yeah lol, it did get a bit much)

Leader board is a nice touch and made me wanna play more.

Great job overall!

Yo thanks for the kind words! This is really helpful feedback. :)