Alright, that's good to know, I personally haven't had any troubles with it. It should work as long as you're connected to the internet, if I understand correctly. Now that I think about it though, I'm not saving the player's score locally, I could try implementing that as a second safety measure in the future.
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I honestly don't entirely remember how I playtested my game to make sure every jump was do-able, the development process is all a blur now. I know I tried to keep the controls relatively easy and made the map layout more forgiving for the player as well as myself. I think I had some ideas for obstacles in mind but generally managed to build the majority of the map from the ground up in just a handful of revisions.
I did drag the player in the editor window to certain parts of the map when I needed to test or practice certain sections but also tried doing a full run through of the game every once in a while. When working on the final jumps and ending to my game I dragged the player up to a position I knew could get to and just went forward from there.
I didn't stress too much on raising the level of difficulty as you climbed higher in my game, I more so just raised the stakes. My ultimate rationale though was that if I could do it then you could too, and I think it worked out pretty well.
Holy mackerel! I was hesitant to play this because there was no web build but the comments convinced me to download it and overall I would say I was not disappointed.
The game wasn't too long or unnecessarily difficult (perfect for game jams) but I can clearly see how this will be exciting to speedrun and entertaining to watch. I think the interpretation of the theme, the resulting gameplay, and the art style are all very unique and executed effectively.
I wasn't completely sold on the controls at the start although I think I got better once I realized there's a rhythm to it. I didn't get very far into the "deep space" area but I can already see how the gravity wells and tunnels would make the game great for speedrunning.
It's a cool concept, the storytelling explains the gameplay well and adds to the charm, plus all the characters are very cute. The graphics and music are great as well, good job!
Nice job! I agree the lamp is really fun to move around with, especially if you can get into a groove with it.
I submitted the game 19 hours before the deadline so I definitely could've had enough time to polish it, lol. I know the ground detection doesn't cover the entire Mothman so at times you might not be falling but also are not able to jump, there's probably a better way of solving this but I didn't want the player to be able to jump off from the steep slopes. I could probably judge the jumping criteria by the normal vector of the collision, I might explore that after the jam. Also, extending the lamp adds a bit of force to the player so you can nudge yourself in midair but it also changes your trajectory which is a bit difficult to manage.
Thanks for trying my game, congrats on completing it!
Thank you for the comment, I'm really happy with how the controls ended up.
The Mothman was the result of a weird amalgamation of different things leading up to the jam and while generating my ideas. I didn't explain anywhere in the game but you're chasing the most forbidden lamp, the greatest burning light in the sky, the Sun! There's some other additional narrative pieces I've been throwing around in my head too, I guess a hint would be that he is in "pursuit of enlightenment" (which itself is a pun) and "seeking a higher purpose".
Sure, I just enabled it but the actual game size doesn't actually change. Hopefully it helps, I can definitely change that after the jam though. If you fullscreen the game as well as zoom in with your browser you might be able to get rid of more empty space around the game.
Hopefully this helps, good luck!
Thank you, I was hoping to hit the right balance of difficulty with the controls, there is definitely a learning curve but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (of course I'm biased though).
Sorry about the mouse, at least I know I'm doing my job properly and creating an engaging but challenging experience :)
I spent a good amount of time playing this game but was not able to finish it. The controls are easy to pick up and understand but difficult to master, as any good game should be. The checkpoint system may not fit entirely with the "Foddian" theme but I found it was a good gauge of how my skills were progressing every time I restarted.
This was the first game from this game jam that I decided to sit down, properly work through, and completely finish. The movement is fun once you get the hang of it, and the graphics / sounds don't detract from the experience at all.
I think the graffiti on the walls was a nice touch because it helped me figure out where I was in terms of progress (or lack thereof) and remembering the pattern of the map.
I enjoyed the game and do not regret sticking with it till the end.
Oh, you're so close to the end! Those last jumps are fairly tough, I have trouble with them as well.
It might help to think of it like this: the Mothman is connected to the lamp by a spring, so if you can take advantage of the "springiness" you should be able to generate more speed to launch the Mothman.
Here's a gif of one way I managed to do the jump:

Hopefully this helps you (and anybody else) with completing the game, good luck!
Thank you! I'm excited to see how speedrunners might be able to leverage the controls.
I did prototype a couple of different visual styles but settled with this one because it was relatively simple to create and easy to change on the fly, I also think it clearly communicates what the player can stand on. I'm really happy with how it looks and I'm glad you liked it too.