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A member registered Feb 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I loved your art and your take on the theme! Having the items I crafted save when I died made retrying a lot more appealing! I enjoyed how Treant had sections of its fight where it couldn't be hit, but I found the fact it was on a platform and difficult to reach to be a little annoying. The ranged attack was also a little limiting, as I had to be moving in the direction to throw it, which resulted in me getting too close to the bosses sometimes. It's amazing the amount of high-quality art you were able to produce for the jam! I also really appreciated the opening cutscene and small storybits after defeating a boss! Keep up the good work!

I wish I could've played more, but that cute second boss did not wish for me to continue. Your protagonist design and first boss had great designs and had smooth animations! The second boss seemed out of place comparatively though, from what I could see. The controls were responsive for me, but maybe too much so? I could push the boss around and lock him into being hit so rapidly that he deteriorated super quickly. I agree that the music wasn't fitting with your theme, but the idea of the rhythm mech was very interesting! I'm not entirely sure if it worked as well as intended, but with some polish it could be really cool! I also really enjoyed the fact you had story segments in-between levels!

Very nice aesthetic! I think that there was a bit too much time in-between the bosses for it to feel like a true boss rush, but the platforming segments were nicely made! The music was catchy and the sfx fit with the world. Controls were responsive! The bosses were cute and they matched the environment well!

Hi there! Congrats on submitting to your first game jam! I think this has a lot of potential! I would've loved to see some art and hear sound, but I totally understand how overwhelming programming is and how it'll eat away at your time. I think some things that could help your game would be writing descriptions about what each base attack does. I know doing this in-engine is tricky, so maybe you could write them out on the Itch page itself! That way players don't have to guess what they're getting into on their first run.  Overall though, you should be proud of what you accomplished in such a short amount of time, and I hope you continue working on this project after the jam!

Hello there! I really enjoyed the aesthetic of your game! I also enjoyed the boss designs and plentiful amount of  animations.  The music you used also went along great with the art, giving it a gritty feeling that matched with the dirty city you presented!

I encountered a glitch upon dying where I was booted back to the title screen and still in my spirit form and retained a tiny blip of health. After I died from the boss again, I was put right back into the game now stuck as the Magpie version of myself! It was pretty cool, though I'm sure not intended, lol.  This happened twice in the in-browser version. 

I struggled a bit with gameplay because I did not have a mouse, only a touchpad. As such, I could begin charging the charge attack, but could not execute it. This definitely hindered my playthrus. Also, the Painguin was able to stun-lock me twice, once when I got hit repeatedly by his ranged attack and the second when I went behind him and he wouldn't let me leave the top-right corner.

Overall very good premise! I wish I had a mouse on me so I could get farther than just the second boss. Keep up the good work!