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A member registered Aug 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks, yeah the game isn't balanced at all, (we ran out of time), I had the idea of adding a hitbox and contact damage with it, but ive forgot. Maybe the heal it to much. Have a great day !

Beatifull game,  I love the underwater cartoon theme. I died a lot, maybe im really bad at turn based strategy games, or it need a little balancing, dont know. : )

Cool art style, we had the same idea of going into the boss, your game is wayy better than out, well done !

Very cool game, I just lost my bug out of the window, but its the only bug I found, great experience !

Great, I have pretty bad English so I wasn't sure. I'm going to watch BenBonk, it looks interesting because it's also about gamedev! 

Hello, your game is so good, I really like the graphics, it's very cute. I had a little trouble understanding the tap refill system, but after that everything was very intuitive and pleasant. Thank you for this very good game! 

Hello, your game is simple but nice, I think that the system of appearance of the enemies and their frequencies is a little problematic, but for a jam of 3 days it is very good. Bravo and good luck for the next jams ! 

Hi, I really enjoyed your game! Especially since it was made in 2 days, the skills are good, it would have been great to reset the delay of the skills after a kill, to make some kind of combo! I

The game is simple but very nice, it's a pity that it goes back to level 1, it happens and it doesn't take anything away from the charm of the game! It's a good job

Thank you for your feedback, I'm glad you liked it. The music is made by Cyber Squib, if you want to listen to the rest of his work here is his spotify :

Hello, your game is great. I loved the movement mechanics, it's very original and fun, especially the idea of the bat. The scenario is very funny! 

Hello, I am very happy that you liked the game! Thank you for your opinion. Is there anything you would like to see in the game?

Hello, thank you very much. I'm going to look at C#, I knew it but I didn't know it could be compared to Javascript! It's sure that a game engine would accelerate the creation process! 

For the art, I'm a beginner, your advices are precious. If I understand correctly you advise me to accentuate the shading, and to use a predefined color palette ?

Very good game, the design is great and it integrates well the mechanics! The graphics are nice (quite retro), I just did not understand the sprite of the enemies, it's not very important in any case! 

Hello, thanks for your opinion and your compliments! I'm going to work on more variants in the obstacles, in the jam I ran out of drawing time, because for the code, it's modular and so it's easy to integrate new ones. 

I'm going to review the pickaxe, it's not very useful and to be honest, I added it a bit in a hurry a few hours before the end. I thought it was not very useful but I did not know that it could turn against the player, thanks for the information. For the potion I thank you for the feedback, it's true that it accelerates too much and makes dodging impossible. I'll fix it!

I accept this huge cookie with pleasure! 

Good day to you

Very good games, it is very clean. The idea of the bat is a bit weird but very effective. It's a lot of fun, the economy is also well balanced. I would have liked a little more variety in the upgrades but that's my opinion : ) 

Hello, I thank you for your detailed advice, it is quite rare and very valuable for a beginner like me. And more from a professional : )

I should probably learn phaser.js, for now I like to be able to understand what I'm doing and how my game works in depth, but for jams it makes me very slow...

I had put margins in the generation of the position in abcyss of my items, I must have missed something. I'll fix it, thanks for the warning! 

For the gameplay I agree, there is something missing. I had some ideas but I didn't have enough time. I'm very afraid to add concepts that would make the gameplay unclear or too complicated, I hope that with practice I will be able to estimate the value of an idea and what it implies.

Small question, I've already seen the assets of your game and I like them, where can I get access to them ? 

Basically it was infinite, but I was afraid that people wouldn't like it since the game wouldn't have had a goal.

Cool ! 

Okay, I must have made the game too easy. I'll try to do better next time : )

Hello, thank you for your feedback. It's surprising that you didn't find that the difficulty increases, because normally the speed increases very clearly with time, which should make the game more complicated at the end. It's not the case when you play? I'm interested to see if there is a bug

Hello, your game is nice, it is especially beautiful. I found it quite hard, my games never exceeded 20 seconds, I know if it's done on purpose. It's a pity you didn't use the limitation. It's still a good game, bravo !

Hi, thanks a lot for the feedback. The book pushes the vampire back to the bottom and blocks him as long as he does, I agree it's not very clear, I'll have to add some visual effects. For the font, I made my game on 100px times 100px, so the font is really not practical but I did not find better. I think that 200px would not have done any harm.Good day

I loved your game. The turn by turn is well mastered, it makes the game dynamic. The mechanics are very well thought out, a turn counter before action against the enemies would have been a little more but it's really a detail. It's the best game I've played so far from the jam! 

Cool little game ! Too bad you didn't put a score, but i need to say that your graphics are beautifull, i love the cartoon style !

hello, excellent game, the shooting and the effects are very satisfying, for the upgrades it's great, I hope you will add more later!

Thank, the music was made by Cyber Sqib, if you want to hear more from him :

Hello, thank you for the feedback. I'm glad that you enjoyed the game and that you could experience the gameplay dilemmas, that was the goal. For the music I agree with you, it's really great, it's the work of Cyber Sqib.

For the limitation I made a mistake, the idea was that the character bleeds but I didn't develop this part of the game, so in the end the limitation is only in the narrative "the vampire follows the player thanks to the blood". I will do better next time : )

It's really good that you didn't have any bug, towards the end I didn't have time to test too much, it's a miracle that everything works.

Small question, did you manage to reach the end, if yes in how long about? (I have difficulty to estimate the time of available games) 

Hello, thank you very much. I didn't know boulder dash crash bandicoot but it's true that there are similarities, it's cool. The menu appeared in the middle, it's strange, normally it appears at 300 of score, but before there should be an end screen. Did you reach the end ? or is it really a bug ?

Thank, dont hesitate if you notice any bug or if you have any advices to give 

The idea is very original, I really like the economic side and the purchase of characters with a better quality of blood. I had a lot of fun, small detail that would have improved, make the information of the donor and the vampire visible without having to hover them with the mouse, maybe with simplified symbols. Very good game!

The game is incredible, the concept is super fast to understand and the difficulty increases well with time, in addition the 3d is beautiful and it works well in the browser! Well done

Hi ! Your platformer is really cool, i finished it. The gameplay is super fun, I think some of the early levels should be at the end because they are harder than the others. The music is cool too but a bit short. Apart from that, congratulations! 

Good game ! I loved the concept and the blood blaster visuals effects. Controls are a little bit special but nothing to bad.

Hi ! I loved your game, after many try i didn't manage to pass the 4 floor. Is this normal ? Or im really bad ? 

Same, i skipped this night for this, i need to see them

Thank you! It's true that I'm a complete beginner, I liked this Jam so I'll do some more. I also hope I'll have teammates next time, I know how to code but much less how to draw and it shows: )

Thank you very much for the review. It's true that the game is very hard, in reality the player should have 3 lives, it would have balanced the difficulty. But I didn't have the time to code it, it's part of the Jam : ) . 5 is not a bad score, it's true that the bird is very complicated to dodge, I should have slowed it down a bit. Have a good day !

controls are fixed now

Controls are fixed now