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A member registered Feb 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Graphics and low poly models looks great! Maybe music would be diffrent, but I loved the music even its doesnt catch "chaos"

Thank you! You can damage boss by simply clicking it, same goes for noise blocks.

Thanks! you have to click on them to destroy circles. They are not hurting your "players", but they blocks your vision.

Thanks! I made the music short and repetitive on purpose, because games are too easy and short. Every time new game begins, also new rythym comes. Whenever you lost a game, music goes softer. I think it suits well.

(1 edit)

Leaderboard doesnt work because of webGL. Every player thay plays in WebGL, counts as same player. Im really sorry for that. 

Pineapple? inPizza? Oh Boy for sure its 5 star!

Feeling bad about you couldnt publish your game before deadline. I love the perks add chaos effects on your game. Its getting harder to hit enemies, and becomes harder to not hit by bullets. Loved it!

Got no friends so I played it alone TT

But love the "slippery" physics! was fun 

Nice concept, really creative.

You are sun of my beach! :>

Love the music and art! Maybe UI would be better

Love the music and art! Maybe UI would be better

Thanks! Because of some bugs in camera rotation and time limitation, I had to remove camera rotation script.

Intresting concept for rotation. In a good way.

Short, and good!

Mmmm visual novel style :3

I tho the name was "potato mix"

I tho the name was "potato mix"

Nice concept. You used assets well!

Was fun! You should keep developing this game

This one was my first concept of my game, then I changed it. You did it well!

Im a beaar rawr:3

Good usage of theme! I liked it

Its hard to stick on first levels, besides, its great!

Nice opening scenes!

Feels good. I always like 3d platformer games.

Looks cool, I like it.

Here's my thoughs :
* I've just noticed that there is not enough information about heroes abilites. You cant see them unless you buy them. So its hard to select which hero to pick.

* Same goes for Skill selection, many people dont know how to select a skill. There should be a tutorial for that.

Hey there! This is my first semi-proffesional game i've done. In this topic, you can share your ideas/opinions about the game.

(10 edits)

Hey there! This is my first semi-proffesional game i've done. Since this game is too huge to extract bugs alone, i've decided to run an alpha version. Feel free to share bugs if you've countered.

Known bugs:
*  Daisy's fairy doesnt stick ally with highest attack speed.

*  You can put crystals into heroes that are not avaiable, you cant get your crystal back till you buy hero.

* You can put more than 1 crystal in same slot.

* Arya can trigger her 2nd skill without unlocking it.

*Ares's 1st skill, Icika's 2nd skill doesn't apply slow.

*Arya's basic attack damage increases by enemy's current health, and exceeds percent damage cap (normally, every one percent of current/max/missing health cant be higer than your %100 attack power. This works on grai, which deals maximum health, but doesnt work on Arya)

* Sometimes, you cant see your star progress.

*Except  forest - castles, clicking on "start wave" doesnt trigger start function.

*Midas gold works on same target more than once. (Its actually not a bug, but you can earn nearly unlimited gold with that, which is a bad game-changer.)

*Leaderboard doesnt work. (as coding it works, but it doesnt display in game)