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A member registered 91 days ago

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yeah better indications on where you were going to fling would be one of the first additions we would add. Thanks for the feedback!

Big fan of origami, so the concept definitely speaks to me. Impressive you go this working in Three.js! I've never had a lot of luck getting things to work properly with that framework :( 

Watching my gnome utopia crumble into oblivion as houses and my gnomizens slide off into the mountainside was the second most traumatic moment of my life. 

My only suggestion would be tweaking scoring values on the buildings since my economy initially boomed by stacking a bunch of houses/offices.

Final score: 3130

We planned on adding some gnomish (that's a real language you gotta trust me), and some taunting animations but we simply ran out of time. Thanks for the feedback!

Easily the highest score I've seen. Congrats!

fling. those. GNOMES!

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My attempt at a model T... it took my about 40 tries to get that second pencil. Worth it although I question its structural soundness

What a cool concept! I like that the button for grabbing parts from enemies and scaling are the same, it makes for an interesting mechanic (especially since I missed shots a lot). It'd be cool if the playable character wasn't tied directly to the walls and could move freely in space as well. Also a heads up that the retry button didn't work for me :)

I liked the concept! I got stuck at the button press point. I kept trying to scale up, but nothing happened.

Had a blast playing this game! The healing ability felt pretty broken and it would have been nice to see how much health enemies had left. Nice job :)

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This game melted my brain. I really like the concept! I did find myself going back to the same spot to make small micro adjustments to the angle of the reflector. Was I doing something wrong?

I've also seen this issue for chrome. Try another browser like safari too!

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FYI i'm having trouble playing this one (I'm on chromium/mac). Works on Safari! 

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A really unique take on the prompt! I found myself guestimating the correct size without checking most of the time. Not sure if it was intentional, but having things spawn near the top where you thow items added an extra level of difficulty since you might accidentally bonk something in the wrong side.

not a one critical failure roll for my entire run :) I gotta go buy a lotto ticket now.  would love to see this as a full game with powerups like vampire survivors

When people ask me if I aim train for Valorant, I'm going to send them this game

I felt like I was reliving my childhood playing flash games. Wonderful game :) 

Lets of screenshots, but it doesn't seem to be available :( 

I was really starting to feel accomplished going through 3 waves of hard maneuvering only to find myself a failure. Time to jump into that river...

I'm floored. I would be impressed even if this was made by a dev team, but you also did it solo! Clowns are scary, but your game is amazing :)

I hit 600k and then tried to kill myself to see what would happen only to realize I can't count and just continued to grow. Excellent!

I want to print this out and hang it on my wall. Thank you :')

This has so much potential! I'd love to see some higher fish spawn rates and maybe some shop music. Nice work!

I was having a lot of fun reading through the cases although it took my until day 6 to realize that I was voting opposite of what I wanted. Maybe adding a small notice that clicking on a decision is voting AGAINST.

I loved the concept and after (maybe more than a few) attempts, I was able to beat it! Music was really good too, my only suggestion would be to allow the player a small influence on the ball after swinging.

Such a fun concept and unique spin on deck builders! I think it would be nice for the round to automatically end once you hit the score goal, as I was a little confused at first as to what "redraw" vs "end turn" did. 

didn't expect bee stonks. Lovely game!

kiss the bees :)

I won't spoil, but that last camera shot was everything.

Oh, it's just like very hungry caterpillar! Oh...

i could not find the wheat :(

The terror I felt when put in the highway was immense :) . One suggestion: the plane grabbing was really difficult. I thought I had to clap my hands together. Loved the game

I was having a blast until this happened: (10/10 game)

absolutely incredible :chefs-kiss:

Today, I have learned that I have the memory of a goldfish

Thanks for doing your part in keeping those pesky gnomes at bay!

awesome game! I could totally see you running with this idea and making a full game out of this with scaling enemies and additional upgrades

Had an absolute blast getting through this game! I could totally see this as a hit with a mobile version too. Most polished game I've played so far, nice job!

Is it possible to release this to play within the browser? I'm on a mac, but would love to try it!

Love the concept! (also the little charcoal when you mess up the cake lol). Would have liked a sprint button to move around faster. Might also want to put "spacebar to jump" in the description :)