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A member registered Dec 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying out my game! I get your points, especially the points about the tutorial being mediocre at best. I made this game in a week, with school going on as well, so I didn’t have the most time in the world to work on it, and the tutorial was the last thing I did, and I made it in an hour, but I do agree that I should’ve made a way to access it in-game.

While your comment is critical, I do understand your points and I agree with them. I don’t plan on working on this project anymore, but I will consider your points in future projects I decide to make when applicable. I thank you for your feedback!


yes, it is up to interpretation

yes, that’s fine, just make sure you’re allowed to use the things you use

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there isnt a maximum team size, but i would recommend to keep it small, as it wont be easy managing a 10 person team with 3 days

you can submit your game early, that’s fine by me, and if needed, you can submit late, just DM me on Discord if you need to submit late

there are no restrictions on game engine or build target, but it’s recommended to build it for web since anyone can easily run your game

if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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i didnt see this until now, and the jam starts this week


ill change that and extend the deadline so people have time to vote


im dumb lmao

I’ve been learning an engine called Stride. It reminds me of if Unity & Visual Studio were mixed together. I haven’t done much with it, but so far I like it. I’m probably just going to use the documentation on their website to learn it though. If anyone wants a link, I’ll send it, but not unless someone’s interested.

you can submit late, just let me know whenever you’re ready to submit (i would prefer you do it on discord but you can do it here fine too), and ill take care of the rest until im ready to send you a link for you to submit

Your game doesn’t qualify to be in the jam because it was made before the jam started and has no correlation to the theme of the game jam. There is an entire section dedicated to the theme, and just because the jam is meant to be around pixel art, doesn’t mean that that’s the theme. I’m sorry, but your game will be removed. You can still submit a game, as long as it follows the parameters on the page, but this game cannot be submitted.

Please don’t just spam your game as an entry to random jams, it doesn’t do much. If you want your game to succeed, you need to get a following, and that’s not the way to do it. Plus, doing that is giving you an unfair edge, especially since the other participants are actively working on their games.

If you want to argue why your game is supposed to be allowed, you can join the Discord and open a ticket in the bot commands channel, or DM on Discord @abyssaltheking.

Cheers! Abyssal

stride looks pretty good, might try it sometime soon

i mean, you’re not breaking any rules, since there aren’t really any rules stating you must use something you’ve never used before, so i would say go ahead

you can still make pizzy’s parlor technically though just put thirty pizzies in the parlor and you have strength in numbers nobody will be able to run, they’re too powerful

For me, I’m going to use Godot, and probably jump ship to Godot, mainly because I have some experience with it, and it’s similar to other engines I’ve used before.

yes, that’s absolutely fine

Since I’m here, I should ask if anyone knows of any lists similar to the list on the jam page? I’m just curious, and I’m always open to suggestions.

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So I was looking at the game engines page to see if there was something new I wanted to work with and I happened to click the TIC-80 link after being disappointed that BASIC8 wasn’t free and it turns out that the link was sold or something. I’m assuming it changed but you might want to look into that. I’ll update you if I find a link you can use.

Update: found a link you can use: https://tic80.com/


the cow of wisdom, you are

yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo about to spent a week on making a silly little game for sillie big jam lets gooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and im going to plan this time too LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOLO DEVS RISE UPPPPPPP

yoooo about to work on a game alone all weekend and i can use unity again finally?!? LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

go ahead and download the game
you will love it if you like simple and complex machinery that looks very impressive while defending a base using turrets and yourself to capture a sector
its written in the same programming language as minecraft and still performs better, with only ~50 mb of memory being used on average (on my machine, results could vary)

Thank you! I had to stitch it together with duct tape and glue because at first I had a really complex idea and I had to compress it down over the day, so I had two days to make it. I want to try and remake it in Godot and see what I can do to improve it.

I think it is a little challenging going from the tutorial to first level, as it took me a minute to figure out you could move rocks, and I ended up getting confused at the third stage because I didn't know how to do the flying enemy part, so maybe a little more communication to game mechanics would help but other than that its a good game. 

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I think the game is very nice to play! The controls are floaty, which makes the game feel challenging at times and the fact that the shadow creatures are random speeds also add to the challenge. Good job!

Also, for your first Unity and game jam game, its very good!

The game is good, the only thing is that the sensitivity was a little high for me and whenever I tried to change settings, the settings button wouldn't work. Other than that, it's pretty well made. Nice job!

yeah, the game is very lacking as i didnt really have much time to make the game as i took a day to think of an idea and simplify it enough 

for the not knowing what is happening, are you saying a minimap or something similar should've been added?

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yeah, i guess it built wrong or something, ill fix it this afternoon
just go with the windows download as i cannot fix it right now

mine isnt until april i think, end of 3rd quarter this week tho

you can use any engine, as long as you dont have to download an external thing, like the roblox client for example
using unity/godot/unreal is just fine

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who said they were references? i remember playing these so much when i was younger

would be pretty funny as a party game, trying to steal other peoples gems while protecting yours

cool, i just beat the web version :D
very fun
but the damage reduction powerup is op tbh

i enjoy tetris and i thought it was good, the only thing i wouldve done would be to make sure that you cannot get the same block three times in a row, because i feel it could definitely be possible

honestly really fun and high quality for a jam game, i just couldn't get passed the wolf :)

i would say that the colors that are on the palette are colors that can be altered to make different tints and shades, the pink is a huge maybe tho

i would check on discord tho because i am not a jam organizer or anything 

yooooooooooo about to make a game with libGDX alone which i have never used before haha better learn soon LETS GOOOOOOOOO

games like roblox do the same thing tho to be fair


nvm i found it